Most Scared

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Evoarrow, Dec 9, 2014.

  1. im scared
    you got the worlds biggest bollocks? or the worlds worst memory? not at school at a sports day or asking a girl out or your first horse ride or gun shoot or cliff dive or fighting someone you know is gunna hurt you or nuthing? im scared all the time at work ...scared of chopping my fingers off or some idiot dropping a heavy object on me head or getting fried cause some not so bright spark hasnt deadened the wires that we are about to cut.... Its what keeps you alive the fear of what might happen
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. that and your reflection?
    there was a cable car accident up here a few years back. no deaths tho.
  3. Same here, hate being out of my depth. As a young teenager I was a very good swimmer, qualified for the county trials, I think I was fast because I had to get up to the shallower end ASAP. Dislike swimming in the sea and when I entered Triathlons never ever in open water.
    Not sure when I have been truly scared, maybe having my first child when I realised all the pre-natal breathing bollocks they taught had in no way prepared me for the actual event, and I had no idea what to expect other than a baby.
  4. only time i see my reflection is at the barbers every 2 weeks or by accident! im always surprised though, not scared.
  5. winds getting up. im scared.
    • Agree Agree x 1

  7. No I wasn't prepared either I was led to believe it was the best experience of your life nobody prepared me for the low bits

    I'm terrified of fire also
    Had a chimney fire burning railway sleepers and the creosote set alight on the hearth
    The ex husband had to get the sleepers outside
    Luckily the chimney fire burnt itself out
    Horrible experience
  8. A gondola slipped on the cable and hit the one below it. One broken leg, from memory.

    Maintenance hadn't been carried out properly on the grips.There was no chance it would have come off the cable though.

    As I said before providing maintenance and services are carried out regularly in accordance with the manufacturers instructions these systems go on forever and are safe as houses.
  9. Seeing a cab turn right in front of me was pretty scary for the two secs before impact. Been plenty scared in the past, but for different reasons. Breaking down in a foreign country with just a bolloxs guide book for help wasn't nice
  10. More to do with memory than testicles, probably :)

    As a kid my Dad used to scare me, plus nightmares ... but as an adult? Can't really remember.
    There's stuff I back off from due to a sense of self preservation but if I overdo a corner or what have you, I don't remember being scared - I just remember saying to myself "Oh, well".

    The closest thing I have to being scared is heights - I don't function well around them. Perhaps it's vertigo, I don't know. I don't freeze or anything, I just have to move carefully because I don't feel in control. I've had three health scares as an adult plus a nearly catastrophic road accident and I don't remember any of them frightening me. Maybe I'm thick.
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  11. The most scared I have ever been was the first time I fell for one of those Internet videos where they ask if you can see the ghost...You look dead close and listen real hard and then WHAM! You see it. I have never felt a fight or flight response harder than that day. But I was 15 at the time.

    I have had plenty of moments others may consider scary since then but most of the time you don't realise how scary it was until after you have come out the other side.

    I once missed the leader board when approaching a bend with a roundabout behind it on my first bike whilst showing off on my first group ride, 2 weeks after getting my license.

    I managed to stop before T-boning the roundabout kerb but God knows how. Lucky nothing was coming around the roundabout either.

    The things I have found scary have been when I have been in control through-out but still find the situation running away from me. I find it much easier to deal with difficult situations that happen to me through another persons intent or action. Must be a control freak or something.
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  12. You need to have the volume up to hear it properly and look very closely at the car.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. When I heat siezed a Vespa 2 up down that hill on the A3 London Bound nr Petersfield in the 2nd lane overtaking a lorry and had to cut across the front of the lorry as that was the direction it ended up facing. That was frightening enough as Tod my passenger said he couldve stuck a match on the bonnet of the truck. But a guy on an RD350YVPS stopped and offered me a lift to Petersfield to call the AA. I accepted and the guy then proceeded to roar off to petersfield like a man possessed. That scared the fucking absolute shit out of me. Thanks for the lift but youre a fucking nutjob and I left the contents of my arsehole somewhere along the a3. Thats the most frightened Ive ever been on 2 wheels.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. deffo, as you know the misses run the shop up there, she has been on it when the things have been banging off the pilons with the wind when they closed the hill down. never bothered her. i is just a big feerty.
  15. Had loads. Twice I've been in a situation I really didn't think I was going to get out of. Life ain't a rehearsal kids, enjoy it!
    Had a scary moment a few weeks ago. I was swimming in a bay off a beach in Turkey, about 100 metres out, and a Sea Otter popped up and looked right at me. Spooked the shit out of me cos I wasn't sure what was gonna happen next. Of course I imagined I was about to have a bollock chewed off. Absolutely nowt happened but I did feel a tad vunerable. Needless to say I got the fuck back to the beach sharpish.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  16. PMSL. A sea otter scared you? Theyre cute. Now if it had been a great white fair enough.
  17. On a night time Japan Airlines 747 coming back from Tokyo in 1984.
    Was a tad bumpy,nothing special,but suddenly over the Tannoy,"seatbelts ON!"
    Before you could draw a breath the bastad plane dropped like a stone...and kept dropping...
    My mate next to me went white and muttered,really, really slowly,"Jesus........f*cking....wept...."...and still the fooker went down....
    At first I was frozen with absolute terror,but strangely,after a good few seconds,I felt totally calm,like,fuggit,it's game over,who gives a damn....people screaming and whimpering all over,but it felt almost...euphoric?..or maybe just resigned to fate
    Then the engines spooled up and the thing was bouncing all over the buddy grabbed my hand and we sat there for about six hours absolutely shit scared,like flying over waves of corrugated iron,people puking/overhead lockers dropping open/shite was truly,truly awful....
    Never did find out why,probably just wind shear or crossing the jet stream,but I took away a piece of the seat as a souvenir ,I'd gripped it so hard in the first few seconds it snapped the plastic clean off...
    I've been kicked around the sky in a four seater loads of times,but never had anything as bad as that.
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  18. yip flyings for mugs.
  19. Scares the shit outta you that. 6hrs of it? My god. We dropped a thousand feet out of Portland once and I screamed myself it was so sudden. We were on take off and Mount Adams was bearing down on us. The rest of the flight was fine. 6hrs of that would put me off flying for good.
  20. It friggin scared me alright. I was in his yard. I've got two dogs who are quite protective of their yard! I'd looked up Great Whites, nowt doin, wheres me goggles..... 20 minutes later, 'Yikes, WTF is this?'
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