Did anyone else see this program ? I have often suspected that Bear Grylls uses some creative license in his programs, now I know for sure. According to the program they climbed over Skye Ridge and dropped down to Scavaig where they spent the night in a cave before being extracted a short distance along the coast but still in Loch Scavaig. However the second half of the film was shot at Spar Cave on the SE side of the Strathaird Peninsular a good 5 miles off the route shown in the program. If that was a misrepresentation what about the rest of the program ? Is this justifiable for an otherwise entertaining program ?
The programme he did in the South Island of NZ was complete bollocks, jumped all over the place, his "TREK" started about 10 miles from a town.
It's hideous when you've found you've been lied to as you suspect much of what has been said was lies that you have hitherto believed.
Its entertainment folks. I couldn't give a monkeys about its authenticity. He's fun to watch. And jumping bollock naked into ice holes?? What's that about? Makes me smile though, the barmy fucker.
The programme Castaway was another fraud. It was filmed on Taransay on the Isle of Harris. Its not a remote wilderness its a small island in a shallow inlet within sight and shouting distance of the main north/south road which runs from Stornoway down to Leverburgh. Local farmers regularly take livestock across in small landing craft and at low water you can practically wade across. The programme was a bit of a standing joke with locals at the time.
a wee bit useless information for ya, it was the father in law that flew the contestants out there and the camera helicopter. love name dropping me.
A helicopter.. Is that a record for the world's shortest commercial flight? I'd always pictured a bloke with a pipe taking them across in a rowing boat for a quid a head.
he probably flew them from inverness air port, from what i remember they took the boat in to the island.
I wouldn't go so far as to say that this program was a complete fraud, it was more of an exaggeration. Generally I find Bear Grylls entertaining but too much of what he does is purely for effect, in this case they happen to come across a set of antlers which are subsequently used to abseil off ! As Chief Scout he enthuses young boys to get off their arses, and that is good, but he often oversteps the line between adventure and dangerous showmanship IMHO.
I prefer Ray Mears, though he has gone a bit Countryfile of late. Bear Grylls presents wilderness as an adventure playground or a hostile world to be escaped from. To Mears its somewhere to escape to.
ian maccallum. known in the trade as the "legend" possibly for all the wrong reasons don't tell the wife i said that,
There are old pilots and there are bold pilots but very few old bold pilots. Interestingly Ray Mears in My Outdoor Life recounts a good story of his survival of a helicopter crash when a pilot who overstated his experience flying in a mountainous environment got it spectacularly wrong.
he's ditched a few, one of them resulted in attempted murder inquiry, i believe, ditched in glen coe and found to have contaminated fuel, the wife had not long got out of the thing.
My little brother filmed intercourse island or whatever it was called when the yanks get dropped on an island and start banging each other....he said they were all assholes but he got paid well, so well infact that he didn't have to work for the rest of the year, ironically he's a wildlife cameraman so I suppose it was wildlife in a way...
Not saying he fakes it, but I wouldn't buy a rolex off him How Bear Grylls the Born Survivor roughed it - in hotels | Daily Mail Online The Island fake: Bear Grylls show accused of fakery AGAIN after Born Survivor 'ordinary' men exposed as trained professionals - Mirror Online
I did see ages ago on one of these "alright on the night" programs where he was filming a piece of footage about being out in the desert and negotiating this ravine and the camera pulled back and in the distance there were people filming with their phones with a 4wd parked up...
I watched and enjoyed it a bit different to the usual tv show, I did notice he has his own outdoor clothing brand all items had BG on them in orange lettering.