Quantum Physics

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by gliddofglood, Dec 14, 2014.

  1. I've been fascinated by quantum physics for years now. A lot more interesting than anything I did at O Level. I just love how reality is so weird and unknowable and yet even if you don't understand it, you can use the theory to predict and make new things.


    The Beeb programme on Dec 9th was brilliant (just watched it). If you missed it, iPlayer I imagine. Next episode Tuesday. Don't miss it!

    The good thing about it is that even if you are a physics genius you can't understand it - sort of levels out the playing field for the rest of us.
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  2. 0
    It was brilliant programme.It took all my working brain cells and concentration to keep up.Even then I think I lost most of the plot.I will try harder for the next episode.Bit like being back at school.
  3. I've read all the stuff in books, so it wasn't new. But it's so impossible to fathom you can't be told too many times and I thought the prof presenter was brilliant. This for me is what the Beeb is all about. No one does programmes as good as this.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  4. If you can't understand it, how do you know that what you're being told is the truth ? :confused:
  5. Haven't watched it yet but it is on the recorder for later. If I watch it will it change the world we live in ?

    I see the second program looks at how quantum physics could explain how biology works; should be good.
  6. If I like it I might pay my license fee ;)
  7. This is why I stick to the Bible.

    Other fiction is also available from other sellers. Koran, Tora etc.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Boobies anyone..?
    I liked the news last week...lots of boobies!
  9. The best brains on this planet still can't figure the the fact that we can be here and there at the same time and yet never been there at all. Ha, we are here but a whisker in the stream of time. Mankind should leave some things well alone and rest it in the hands of the Gods. Just imagine being able to figure fusion and not fission and have this ability endowed to the masses. In my opinion its darned difficult to understand for a reason, just my two penneth.;)
  10. I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition....

    (No. Don't start with the quotes. Please.)
  11. That light or electron beams are both quanta and waves at the same time is very difficult to understand and not many people do (maybe no one). That nothing can be known for certain at the subatomic level, but only probabilities computed, and yet you can rely on lots of uncertain electrons, put together to make solid objects you can bet on - all that is very weird.

    But the theory is mathematical. If you do the numbers, it makes predictions. Those predictions can be tested and used in practical applications. That's what makes it science. Whereas religion makes predictions (prophecy) which cannot be tested, and every time they are specific enough (the end of the world is on such or such a date) they are always wrong.

    I am convinced a time will come, many years from now, when people will be amazed that religion ever existed. They'll look back at our civilisations and think how bonkers we were and write essays on how religion held back mankind's progress for millennia.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  12. More tea vicar ? :smile:
  13. I love this shit.

    I'm surprised today that religion exists. How intelligent people can fall for suck a pile of crock is beyond me but there you are. Some people, no matter how bright, are dumb as arseholes.

    Quantum Mechanics is a tad like anti-aliasing.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  14. science. The new day religeon. No one can prove any of it, its all theory and beliefs. Sounds familiar.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Is that as you've written it, or is it:

    "science. The new day religion. No one can prove any of it, its all theory and beliefs." Sounds familiar.

    I was going to rise to the bait, but then I figured you probably just left out the inverted commas. Seeing as engineering is just the application of provable science and that the Ducati and the computer you are writing the comment on are examples of engineering, I imagine the comment to have been written with an ironic tone.
  16. No one can prove bing bang. No one can prove quantum physics. Its theory, test, theorectical outcome

    And yes I meant it how I wrote it, except the spelling mistakes. Its this forum. Other forums allow a simple touch adreplace, on this one it takes several mintutes to amend a word so I dont bother at all any more. See. Above is a great example.

    I am a science over religion guy, but that doesnt mean those the other way around should be ridiculed as clearly this thread is going and, will be more so, when Pete dips in
    • Disagree Disagree x 5
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Yeah, no...
  18. Yes they should. Look at the pain they bring.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. I watched the first one and have the second one to watch. I too am not a stranger to this subject and found the program interesting and well presented, but I thought they could have spoken more about Heisenberg's uncertainty principle as it goes hand-in-hand with why Feynman saw particles acting like waves, and underpins a lot of why we can't measure and therefore don't understand all of what is going on, and I'm disappointed that Schrodinger didn't get a mention!

    I must admit that I am trying to read the Brian Cox / Jeff Forshaw book but I'm only a few chapters in and have to keep re-reading it as it makes my brain ache!

    The interesting thing for me is to think about what happens when we crack this. Will it be a sudden leap like the industrial revolution, or with semiconductors in the 70s? We may not understand it now, but surely at some point in the future we will. At the moment it looks like amazing, mysterious magic - much like if you showed a tv set or an iphone to a Victorian - but it's only a matter of time.
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  20. It's also available using get_iplayer directly from the BBC server, if downloaded from there it has no expiration date.

    get_iplayer - Forums • Help • Guides the software is here, very useful for the odd programme you miss but would like to keep. I downloaded the Road documentary using the above after missing it on TV.
    • Thanks Thanks x 2
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