What collided to make the bang if 'nothing' existed. Sure a theory can explain it but what about fact?
I visited the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City as a tourist and almost came away convinced, the hard sell was just so cleverly done. If you brainwash people from childhood you can implant any belief you like.
I just gave you the facts - the observed expansion of the universe. I also told you that scientists can only theorise about what happened to cause the Big Bang. Which bit are you disagreeing with?
There is no theory regarding what came before the big bang, there was nothing, or rather it is unknowable. The laws of physics start with the big bang.
Said I wouldn't reply but this is thoroughly entertaining. Top thread :smile: where is Pete when you need him?
From that I assume you "have faith", which is OK, it is only when people try to inflict their faith on others that it becomes a problem. Baffles me though .
Why do they call it "The Big Bang" anyway? I thought sound couldn't travel in a Vacuum, that said Hoovers used to make a God awful din.
"Some things have to be believed to be seen"... Of course the multi-purpose get-out clause in nearly all religion is that you have to have faith, and if you have faith then no proof is necessary. I don't "bash religion" - people can believe whatever they want to believe, that's their choice. What I do have a problem with, however, is all the bad things done in the name of religion - and the giant willy-waving competition that goes on globally about "my god's better than your god". The most ironic and hypocritical thing about religion in general is that despite them all basically being pacifist, they see fit to kill and maime anyone who has even a slightly different set of beliefs; and to subjegate those with similar beliefs. Like I said, strange old world isn't it ?
This is quite interesting: http://i100.independent.co.uk/artic...ritons-and-americans-in-one-chart--xyYrxBB0wx
What I do find quite interesting in all of this is people who say "well I've never seen any proof" as though the human mind - even at its most brilliant, which most people aren't - could possibly understand something as imense as the universe and all its glory. The one thing that is absolutely certain is that, in the grand universal scheme of things, humankind is an infintesimaly small and totally insignificant thing; a tiny footnote in the history of the cosmos...
The Doubting Thomas story is a really good example of this. You will remember this being as when the sub-standard disciple Thomas wouldn't believe that Jesus had risen from the dead and wanted to put his hand in the spear hole and feel the nail holes in order to believe. He was chastised for this lack of faith. It's a real "gotcha!" moment. If you don't believe without proof you are unworthy and not up to snuff. It accepts that religion can't be proven (or Christianity at any rate) and belittles those who don't want to suspend their critical faculties and insist on demanding proof.The implied deal is that if you don't take the Bible's word for it, despite no supporting evidence, then you aren't going to heaven. That's pretty shonky. Interestingly, it's a ploy used by gurus of sects the world over. Nothing new here.
We are either unique in the cosmos or there is life teeming through the cosmos, either way it is pretty amazing.
I saw a lecture/presentation recently about the chance of there being life, as we know it, anywhere else in the universe. The chance of there being another planet, with the right combination of elements and the right conditions for life are incredibly small. Once you factor in how long life has existed on earth compared to how long universe has existed, the chance of life existing in two places in the universe at the same time is so small as to be pretty much impossible. Interesting stuff. And another indication of how unimportant humans are in the overall scheme of things...
I do have faith that life will never cease to amaze me but it isn't rigidly linked to anything written in a book . Maybe most people feel uncomfortable without believing in (I'll say) one or the other but for now I'm happy to sit on the fence.