I know and I don't know why but it just doesn't appeal. I enjoy all sorts of riding been riding on road for 29 years, off road for longer, done track days, done loads of green laning where crashing is par for the course. Broken my wrist, got a leg 1 1/2 inch shorter from a compound fracture tib and fib years ago from road accidents. I love my riding and and and. Not sure if it's the reputation or I don't trust myself or trust others or a combination of all of it. It's bizarre. Bradders you say you haven't done it? How come?
Every weekend this year the track has been heaving. Advice to newbies is come over when the track is open for consecutive weeknights. A slightly better chance of quieter tracktime. Also don't wait till the end of the session or trip before you venture out. Get that banker in early.
You're less likely to meet a truck coming the other way, but more likely to be hit by a Porsche in the middle of a corner.
I have, probably 10 laps maybe over a couple of years. Its ok but I'd rather empty €24 of fuel on the twisty roads in the region over 150 miles than 13 on the ring. Would be tempted next time, only because others will and its a shared experience.
Btw I never found it dodgy at all, after I got my head around checking mirrors for cars. Best bit was taking some fast turns following a boxster, flat out in 5th on my ST2, sracping my centre stand as it was cranked so far over, wollowing amd pitchingbut just shouting in my head 'keep up you prick!!' Thats kinda how I ride and learn...scare yourself at least once a ride...or used to