So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Are you sure they ain't bizarre sex toys ?
  2. could be...
    • Like Like x 1
  3. cant be.unopened and you have had them for 2hrs 45mins
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1

  4. So he can polish his pickle collection
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Got a job offer to go and work in Saudi - Al Khobar

    Not sure if I could live in a sharia law society or endure the heat even
  6. And his head stock and bar ends not to mention his ball bearings
  7. And around his sump plug.
  8. You'll have to knock the female impersonator hobby on the head.
  9. hairdressers today and tortoise taken to the hospital :Hurting:
  10. Not to mention under those nails :Jawdrop:
  11. bummer whats wrong with the tortoise?
  12. Shouldn't use nails on a tortoise. Just keep it in a box if you don't want it wandering about.
  13. His shell is a bit misshapen and he cant pop his head out quite like he should (OK OK I know)

    So being anesthetized and a bit of a dremmel round so he can get it in and out along with his little hands

    I'll post some pics when he's back home :Doctor:
  14. char, they don't have little hands, there called paws
  15. Poor little chap.
  16. Tortoise paw ??

    Stick to cars mate
  17. tortoise hands ?
    surly no.
  18. ... mmm ... crusty meat pie ... <drool>
  19. Not long home from work, that's me done until the 5th of January wooooohooooooo :Happy:
    • Like Like x 1
  20. not with my teeth. prefer soup.
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