a wee eureka moment there. why did they not say that 200 odd posts ago. and that took longer than a minute.
I will piss myself if there is a God, and heaven, and all you disbelievers are stuck on the outside of the gates looking in as we party with virgins, bikes and krispy kremes.
quantum it busting me heed sum. it make my life less humdrum. talking about the quantum. need to get some educationum. :Sorry: i think i need to see a doctor :smile:
In these arguments of science versus religion/proof versus belief it would be helpful to differentiate between religion and theism. Theism in the broadest sense of the word is simply the belief in a creator or creative force. It doesn't seek to give a face to that force nor to put words in its mouth. That's the job of organised religion, which is theism in cult form: the politicisation of belief. Theism gift-wrapped in folklore. But if you strip away the cultish mumbo-jumbo of religion and the coersive politics of eternal life, salvation and the soul, what you have left is belief in the existence of a creative and controlling force in the universe. A force that is universal, omnipresent, omnipotent and infinite. An unchallengeable and defining authority which makes the universe what it is and writes the universal laws by which everything in it functions. That is an entirely rational concept and proven to be so - insofar as it can be "proven" - by science. Whether you choose to call that cosmic authority God or The Laws of Physics is immaterial. They are one and the same thing. It seems to me that neither scientists nor religious zealous can see the wood for the trees.