You and @gliddofglood had a major falling out? What's he done, Chris? Something awful by the looks of it!
:smile: for £700 i'd be taking a look if it was in my back yard.. sorry what am I thinking? no I definitely wouldn't look at it Fin, honest
Awww its beautiful love at first sight better than that ugly MTS 1000, Don't tell Baldyboy I said that shhhhhhhhh
now you're stirring Vince - I quite like it in a 'so bad it's good' kinda way. My first thought was to break it but it looks too good for that although I feel sure most will say that's all it's good for
It takes a man comfortable in his own skin to ride an ugly bike, and I ain't the only original mts rider here, ahem me wee laddie. Or see any mz owner. Not for us the lust for the latest and greatest, although we do balance the fugly with others of more taste
need to loosen up and go with the flow Vince - you're bound to get a senior moment arrive one day : )
I am only teasing ???? it's our love of two wheels that matters....... But my two wheels is better than your two wheels ner ner ner
What when you realise you took too much acid and had too many shrooms that your brain convinces you that the Italian v twin named after a state in America is actually transformed into an even more atrocious piece of mercan shite with a v twin? That's what most hog riders picture when they are stuck behind a pensioner driven honda jazz on a wet Tuesday. Living the dream