Closing Ceromony.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Birdie, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. I'm seeing beautiful angels :smile: stop the naughty thoughts Troy
  2. Agreed they could have done a sketch or two.
  3. The Fat Lady is singing...! :eek:
  4. Nah he's got to get up early to do Deal or No Deal!!
  5. Yesssssss Muse!!!!
  6. Muse???? No it's fackin not it's David tennant ......and if your not going to play that guitar don't fackin put it on !!!!!!
  7. Groan... Fucking hate Queen...:rolleyes:
  8. Pity Freddie aint with us no more he would have closed the show out !!
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  9. no not fekin jessi j AGAIN
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  10. We need to start petition to make Jessie J and Olympic organisers apologise for murdering Queens classic. Horrible horrible horrible.
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  11. No Jedward. Gutted
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  12. Where was John Deacon?
  13. bet Boris gets it wrong
  14. He's jacked.
  15. Joking aside IMO we rock!!!!!! Very proud to be british :upyeah:
  16. Probably too ashamed to perform alongside Jessie fukkin Jay
  17. The boys are in for a treat in Rio!

    If you go, better behave though as the boy's in blue don't take prisoners, literally!
  18. The rio presentation to us has just made more sense in 5mins .....
  19. Enjoying The Who - takes me back to my yoof :biggrin:
  20. What I find so surprising is that all you folk that have slagged off nearly the whole of the ceremony, actually hated it so much that you seem to have watched all 3+ hours of it - sad or what FFS.
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