So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Got out on the PP today, only 30 miles. Mild and fun. Especially trying to follow my brother on his Husky Nox, it's like someone's hit a wasp with a tennis racket.
  2. Tortoise not doing to well , second night in hospital and currently on a ventilator :(
  3. received my 4th bottle of whiskie to day. :upyeah:
    and a bottle of smirnof :Vomit:
  4. how long before your wee tummy receives them? :smile:
  5. Has anyone ever paid you money, fin? Not alcohol, not goats, not chocolate sprinkles ... but actual cash?
  6. my t
    Thursday night drams are finished now due to new law so Saturday seems logical or maybe tonight after the school nativity.
  7. yip, they do, but this way it cuts out the middle man.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Lucky sod, I get Christmas Day, Boxing Day & New Years Day.
  9. luck sod i get the mother in law.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  10. how big's your oven?
  11. she probably tastes bitter as well
  12. Sorry to hear that, hope he/she pulls through. Is it more than having the shell filed?
  13. No he didn't do too well after anaesthetic - they can re absorb it or something , he was ok afterwards but then crashed in the night
  14. I'm rooting for the little chap
  15. Fingers crossed for your tortoise Char.
    A pet is a pet.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Just booked the TT ;)
    Practice week 23rd year this year
    Beginning to learn my way round now ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  17. had my first proper ( well not really proper proper :Shamefullyembarrased: but good enough ) sit on my bike..:Happy:
  18. Full of cold, just rang in sick, haven't been off ill for years.
    I expect the rest of the day will read something like
    Slumped on sofa. Coughing my lungs up, surrounded by used paper hankies. Managed to write some Christmas cards.

  19. Lost the little fella :(

    Had him about 6 years so a bit sad this morning especially as he wasn't Ill and just needed a shell trim
  20. :(
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