As predicted, slumped on sofa, surrounded by paper hankies. Wrote christmas cards. But, am feeling a little better. Mel has prepared a lamb curry so looking forward to that.
Just managed to get ACDC tickets for Barcelona at the end of May. Gonna be hard waiting for another 5 months but something to look toward to. Andy
Picked my little girl up from the airport, she's just flown in for Christmas and the New Year with Mrs Exige who has already vacuumed the house from top to bottom :Happy:
I got my steering stem nut & rear sets re-anodized, polished up a few parts & now just getting the bike back together in time for the January show here in Toronto...still a bit more to do then show time!
today i scored a bottle of dalwhinnie and negotiated my self a holiday, so as of wedesday i am off for a week and a half, ya belter!!.
I just watched a couple of repeats of that tv series "Changing Rooms" What a waste of time - absolutely no nudity at all
That was a polite response I am glad I was sitting down, looks very nice but I am not sure about the paper and green strips
This evening I had to pick up swmbo from her office xmas party. She was la-la'd and as soon as we got home she fell asleep on the sofa. She woke up two mins ago and in the most pathetic voice asked for a glass of war-war. Lasses and booze should never mix.
today,, full of good intensions,,,,,,,, did fook all, broke a 1/4" drive and couldn't loosen 2 little self tappers !!!