North Sea Oil Industry

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ghost Rider, Dec 19, 2014.

  1. We could have done that instead of having that referendum thing we had a while ago :)

    I quite like the idea mentioned by johnv about turning old rigs into reefs. Not sure it's as simple as that but I certainly like the idea.
  2. sure it's been done definitely been talked about for a while
  3. i didnt realise that West Sussex were involved in the Scottish referendum.
  4. We were instrumental in bringing it together. We all voted "Yes" and everything!
  5. @TTonup that's what bothers them. ;):smile:
  6. That, and all that cheap Scottish flooding the market and displacing decent Irish Whiskey from the supermarket shelves.
  7. i know, you mugs will drink anything if it says Scottish on it, :smile:
    sorry for thread deviation,
  8. It's the timing of these stories I find interesting.

    A while ago it was all, "Scotland will have its oil revenues to help it stay affluent" ... now it's a case of "It's the end of North Sea Oil". I just feel there are attempts to manipulate me every blinking week.
  9. And do you succumb to them?
  10. Willingly.
  11. the general feeling that allowed and led to the referendum and further reform in the first place, now the real posturing and bull starts, the powers that be know where all this is leading and will do whats right for their own. why would or should it be any other way?
  12. Have you included the Dunbar stats in these figures!
  13. Best whisky in Scotland: Ardbeg. Owned by the Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy Group. Frogs.
  14. I remember turning the barley in the Ardbeg distillery many many years ago, but everyone has different likes and tastes.
    ( IIRC ) I think Ardbeg is not a single malt, I think it goes for blending,, ( don't quote me on that )
  15. I wouldn't blend my Ardbeg with anything. To me its the Rolls Royce of peaty malts, closely followed by Coal Ila. Shame I don't drink any more. If I did the first thing I'd buy would be a bottle of the ten year old Ardbeg. Amazing stuff.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. I bow to your greater knowledge my man..
  17. Then you really need to try Ardbeg Correyvreckan, it makes Ardbeg 10 year old seem quite bland.
  18. I wish I could. :(
    When (if) I get to 70 I think I'll take up drinking again and pipe smoking. I'll have 30 years of catching up to do.

    A bottle of Ardbeg must be worth more than a barrel of crude oil now.. Bargain.
    Sod the oil increase whisky production.
  19. And that's my problem, why wasn't the whole United Kingdom involved in a referendum to break it up? It would have had consequences for all of us. It wouldn't have just affected Scotland...
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