899 Side Stand

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by iang27, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. i have found that it is impossible to get at the side stand to put it down.

    I always used my heel on previous bikes but the 899 stand seems to be hidden beneath the footrests and doesn't stick out enough to be able to lower it.

    If I try using my toes you can only reach the stand behind the footrest which then gets in the way as you try to lower the stand.

    I have AlpineStars Supertech R boots, maybe I am going to have to change them to something without the large plastic heel.

    Anyone else have this problem ?
  2. Yep. I know I look like a dick when I do it, but I bend down whilst still sat on the bike and flick it down with my hand as I just can't do it with my foot. Trick is to remember to do it whilst you've still got you're gloves on because if you miss the side stand you fry your mits of the exhaust!.:Wideyed:
  3. I've had similar problems with a few bikes. Not ridden an 899, but I either use my hand or get of the bike.
    Wouldn't a little pneumatic push button stand make life so much easier.
  4. Impossible With heel , I got use tip of my toe pain at first
  5. Mine teases me, i get it half way there then it slips off my foot and pings back, quite frustrating at times but when I do get it down i feel like the maan :Cigar:
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  6. Yes that is exactly what mine does, you think you have it then it pings back up.

    Going to have to try and fit a little arm on it somehow, maybe using a jubilee clip.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Defo not the boots. May be worth wrapping some grippy material just on the end that your boots can latch onto and wont slip. I might try something like that over the winter.
  8. Use yr hand I do
    But I do have monkey arms !
    I'm told
  9. what I do is push the peg back with my heel then you can get your heel on the stand , still not good tho should have a small stub on like all stands , but being ducati looks before practicality,
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  10. Mine gettin drilled n bolt put thru now
  11. good idea , heard out about panels?
  12. I cut down a mirror and clamped to side stand, with a rubber sleeve. Covered 5800 miles with no problems, tucks up to underside of foot peg. Bike is on paddock stands in photo.

    1199 Sidestand Mod 005.JPG
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  13. Should be painted by now think il have a pop up
  14. Personally I haven't had any problem getting mine down, with it spring loaded it is quite easy and I don't have to check it is fully out before resting the bike on it like I always do with other bikes.
  15. Luckily, I haven't had an issue. It's not that I can see it, mind, it's just that I know where it is - I jab my toe at it and down it goes. So far, no embarrassing moments at the petrol station.
  16. Well the first month of owning mine I had a nightmare with stand always used heel but found it awkward on 899, someone suggested using toe and found that not to be much better so persevered with heel and got there in the end.
    I do have trouble with my boot thoughSidi Vortice air, they have a piece just above the ankle my peg gets stuck in there sometimes. Circled bit in picture

  17. think your problem is mate the sidestands on your other side that's your right boot lol ,,,, only joking,
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. Couldnt find a pic of boots facing other way
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  19. Same prob here with the side stand, either use my toe or heel but either way it's luck more than skill.
  20. Practice makes perfect
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