you guys are all getting man flue and stomach bugs all at the same time. Hmm why could that be?. :Angelic::smile:
Dislocated my thumb. Turning off cold water mains as I had to replace the DHW sensor in my boiler. Thumb popped right back then popped back in again. Fuck me that smarts a bit not to mention felt very weird. Thumb soft fleshy area on palm is starting to swell....
I'm not grumpy. I'm angry. Really angry. People are steering well clear of me this morning, including the person who's got me in this mood and could put it right.
By 'Thumb soft fleshy area on palm' I guess you mean the palm tissue surrounding your Abductor Pollicis Brevis muscle? Yep Google :Cigar:
Made myself a very large mug of fresh coffee and a couple of croissants, oh and a xmas bifter.... On the plus side my boiler is fixed. Damned leaky sensor...£7.95 for a new one.
Just fixed my boiler which was playing up too. Fitted a new DHW sensor , about a tenner, feeling very chuffed as it would have no doubt cost an arm an a leg to have a specialist do it. Two's up on the bifta boots.
Spiffing CJ. Sssh but I also fitted and commissioned my boiler 10 yrs ago...ssshh dont tell the Gas Safe halfwits.
this holiday will cost well over a grand plus lost earnings. even if i just sit and drink myself into a stupor every day.