So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I'll make a start on the SV650 today.

    I was going to yesterday, but I went to the pub instead.
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  2. Back to work
    Oh the joys!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. think i will do jack all. another week off. v.cold, v.nice
  4. Same here back at work :(
  5. another cold day in the " bloo toon "..
  6. Write up a full specification for new "Cobbled street starter office affair" in Twickenham.
    Looks nicer than it will be to work in.
  7. walked the dog and emptied out a couple of draws

    taken down most of the decorations just the tree left, switched energy providers

    lovely day and feel I should be doing something more productive that looking at MV exhausts on the web
  8. an idea for a new years resolution

    if I did new years resolutions that is :Artist:
  9. Maybe we should have a THREAD ON THA?
  10. fitted evotech tail tidy and dp pegs i had on the 899 onto the 1199. much quicker second time round
  11. another cracking walk through the forest and hills. v.healthy.
    i can get pissed tonight, and i will. got lots to sample
  12. The turkey jalfrezi is made.
  13. Cleaned the van, jeez what a shitter, after having new windscreen fitted and now nearly ready for its annual treat: MOT.
  14. I'll bring the Kingfisher ( biriyani....)
  15. chop chop! I reckon I'll be eating it within an hour.
  16. Me too

  17. It'll be warm beer then.....TAXI!!!
  18. Lovely and frosty here. walked the dog, did some ironing, pottered around. Managed a session in the gym. Just eaten a really nice beef stew which Mel added chilli's to, it had a nice warm tang.
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