Anyone bought these? (Sorry if link doesn't work, first time i've tried to add one here). BSRA53D - SEMIMANUBRI GP d. 53 MM. OFF SET 15 mm. - 748 / 916 / 996 / 998 - SUPERBIKE I didn't know I had until this morning and the sale completion page was still open on my laptop. As well as these adjustable bars I also seem to have a folding toe peg coming, not a pair of them, just the one mind, some titanium bolts off ebay of a size I don't thing will fit anywhere (M5X10mm) and a £50 carb adjusting tool to reach deep into 4 cylinder carbs when my main bikes are fuel injected twins!
Depending on whether you want any of the items and whether dispatched yet, I think I would 'come clean' with the sellers and see if they are amenable to cancelling purchases.
That's already crossed my mind. I wonder what the Italian is for, Sorry, I'm a drunken English idiot just trying to screw up your inventory records now give me my money back before my misses beats me with what look like perfectly fine shoes but are apparently no good!!!
Mi dispiace, sono un idiota ubriaco inglese solo cercando di rovinare i vostri record di inventario ora mi danno i soldi indietro prima che i miei miss mi batte con quelle che sembrano le scarpe perfettamente bene , ma sono a quanto pare non va bene !!!
It's not too bad, I once, well twice, bought cars drunk on ebay. Oh no, not really nice practical or sporty cars, a MITSUOKA VIEWT and a NISSAN S-CARGO! Bet you've never heard of them let alone seen them, and I had both thanks to being talking into in the purchases by Jack Daniels. He always get's me in trouble.
Funnily enough I just received an email from Yodel @ 8.15 this morning saying my tracked parcel is out for delivery. I have just checked my Ebay Account and there's nothing on their it can be - it's like Christmas all over again: waiting for Santa
Le mie scuse più profonde che ho acquistato da voi in una frenesia ubriaco La prego di ignorare la mia fine. mia moglie ha connessioni mafiose Così ho potuto organizzare una visita a modificare le rotule se questo è più conveniente. Cordiali saluti
Good, but you need to ask for a refund too? Unless they are Mafiosi of course, then he's dead... :Bag:
I once bought a Pierre Cardin suit when I was blind drunk. The trousers are about 4 inches too big and thankfully, I never grew into them. I was also pretty drunk when I bought a wah-wah pedal. I think I could have got a better one. Lunchtime drinking - it's rare but seems to have lasting annoying effects when it happens.
So then, the internet is flawed. Time to recoup some money by inventing a laptop that knows when you're pissed and blocks you buying stuff. Can't be that hard, just need programming to check for schluuuurred speeeling of worms, or even a breath tester built in. Dragons den make me rich!