748 *****£££ Rockers…again

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by Ian 748, Dec 30, 2014.

  1. As the flaking rocker thing has been done to death I’ll keep it short. Three of the six openers I replaced a while ago have given it best, ouch! And three original closers have joined them in a display of solidarity. Ouch ouch!
    Just doing the sums and would like to know if anyone has a first hand account of how Newman cams re surfaced rockers are lasting with some miles on them please? I’ve read a theory that the weld process is tricky and could fail but nothing factual to say any have. Anyone using um?
    Cheers Ian.
  2. You could try contacting them and ask them to describe their process. I know of no one that has had any trouble with rockers done by them in the past.

  3. Newman Cams have been around for donkeys' years, so it's highly unlikely you'll get a shoddy service from them. They've maintained a very good reputation for ages.
  4. Thanks for replying Red.
    Yes you’re right; I will talk to them to find out how the redone rockers are supposed to perform. But I’m also looking for unbiased experiences of how they actually perform, good and bad. Are you saying you know folks who have them fitted? If so how long ago? I’m hoping someone can say these have been in for????Miles and…
  5. Over time several members of this and the old Ducati forum have attested to the quality of Newman cams work(manship). One member of the old forum had his rockers done quite some time ago and reported that after many miles they were still good.

    I know none of these people personally but I don't think anyone would praise a product or process that was not worthy of it, as I believe this to be a discerning forum, especially in the area of cams where it is known that problems occur with certain period models in the 748 -9** range.
  6. Thanks Figaro, that’s good to know. It’s almost certainly the way I’m going to go this time but just wonder if there has ever been a rocker fail. So far sounds too good to be true…
  7. Ah! Now people’s experiences are exactly what I’m interested in. You have clearly been over this before with folks who opinions you trust that do have these rockers fitted and that’s good enough for me. As it stands I can’t find a single issue, just makes me wonder why everyone isn’t using them…or is it just me again.:rolleyes:
    Cheers Ian.
  8. Yes you did and I missed it on the search I did:Banghead:.
    The post from dukedesmo was just what I’m looking for but still only positive, looks really promising.
  9. Don't worry, never hurts to ask again as others may have missed the last thread.

    If your new here IT'S AWESOME! I only joined 3 months ago and don't know what I would have done without these guys.

    Starting to realise how little I know, some really clever puppies on here who really know their stuff. I owe lots of beers already.
  10. It’s certainly lively that’s for sure I can’t keep up (one finger typing) it’s already two o’clock and I should be in the shed carrying on with the service while glaring at my knackered rockers.
    Cheers Ian
  11. Have had newman rockers done with no issues.
    Plus its a family member who does the refurbs on the rockers at nc.
  12. After 9 flaking rockers, I had all my openers 'Newmanised'. I also fitted MBP retainers and 3 years later I've had no problems and not had to alter any valve clearances either.
  13. What are these?
  14. Well what are the chances of that?:) Is said family member aware of any related failures? At this point I don’t think it will make any difference to the decision to send them in just be nice to know.
  15. Excellent, did you have to fit their modified closing shims?
  16. An improved valve retaining system, replaces the half-rings with a machined retainer to sit in the valve/shim interface. They don't wear like the half-rings and so the valve clearances stay put for longer.

    Diagram showing half-ring (pink);


    MBP retainer (green);


    You can get them here; MBP Retaining System Combination Shim Kits | Product Categories | EMSDUC
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