Petrol Prices.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wrecked, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. What have I done, I just got back on topic! :Wideyed:
  2. Can't complain over here as I can fill the car for less than than I used to in the UK, diesel is now around 90 to 95 p per litre. I could not tell you what the price of petrol is as that goes into the bikes and the microlight so it is fun money and does not matter what the cost is.
    Save a bit since I left the UK as there is no road tax and no MOTs for motorbikes here either.
  3. Where are you?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Sorry, forgot to say, Dordogne, France.
    • Like Like x 2
  5. BP no longer manufacture fuel in the UK so I'm surprised they have a deal with Sainsbury to supply ?
    • Useful Useful x 1
  6. In 2004 Sainsbury’s struck a deal with BP and it is believed they now supply all of Sainsbury’s fuel.
  7. BP produced fuel in the UK in 2004.....they do not now, they have sold off all their Refineries (Grangemouth and Coryton).
  8. It was something I picked up of a fuel orientated website while I was at work today. It may all be free range now I am not sure.
    There has been mention of Shell or possibly Greenenergy?
  9. Plummeting fuel prices (and therefore cheaper food etc.) will mean lower inflation rate this year. It's already only 1% CPI at present so it's going negative - following Europe. Pressure on your next new-bike purchase to be cheaper and/or have extra goodies bolted on for free. :upyeah:
  10. It is a nice thought that imported bikes will be cheaper because the Euro is in a mess, but don't believe everything that you read. Today's UK media headlines are that the Euro is at its lowest level against the $, but when you look at the figures the Euro is at about the same level against the £ as it has been for a while. That means that the £ is also at a low level against the $. They don't tell you that as they want you to believe that everything is rosy in the UK.
    In ten years here I have learned not to believe everything that the news tells you. What I do know is that it is much cheaper to run a bike (in my case a number of bikes) here in Euro land than it is in the UK.
    In the ten years the only thing that has affected me financially is that my RAF pension is in £ sterling and so has degraded due to that currency losing so much of its value against the € over that time.
    I am drifting way off topic here so I'll bugger off and go to bed!
  11. In that case I'm your man.
    In order to freeze 99RON fuel (I'm sure your ducati demands this), well will need a cascading refigeration system. I've plenty of experience of these are we store blood and virus samples at -87°C or lower.
    Don't worry about the running costs as I think it will freeze at around -60°C.
  12. Branding...they have managed to convince normally sensible people into believing that their fuel is better!
  13. It doesnt have to be big, just powerful and designed for purpose.
    The use Quagmires unique vernacular " just a fuck off cascade chiller"
  14. Wicked.. sounds ideal! an what? just a couple of mins in the microwave to thaw it out eh?
  15. How many and where?
    I take US$, Sterling or Bitcoin.
    All electronic transactions will be via the Dark net TOR or cash, meet me at car park of the visitors centre at Feltham Young Offenders.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Yep...just make sure you paid your annual maintenance contract in advance and you're away (with the faery's)
  17. A better idea would be to just grab a block anytime you needed a top up.
    Each time you went out the bike would go faster...guaranteed.
    This trick of physics is by way of mass reduction of the rider.... one limb at a time.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. like it.. and im nodding like i understand the physics thing....
  19. ahhh... frostbite?
  20. Instantaneous...
    Say you were to grab hold of a frozen 1Kg block it would instantly use the heat within your hand to convert the frozen fuel to liquid, depending on how much subcooling was present I'm sure you'd loose your hand, up past the wrist to near your elbow.
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