One Of The Most Beautiful Cars Ever. Guess What It Is

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Baldyboy, Jan 4, 2015.

  1. the above had a 302 V8.
  2. What year was the Mustang? '68? '69?

    A friend of mine had a beautiful 1967 example, in metallic green. Too good for him, the jerk :)
  3. She is a 68 Coupe. the 67 and 68's are fairly similar. The 66, 67, 68 I liked, the 69 and 70's went a bit mad, 90's was a disaster. But Ford come back with the modern square shape from the classics. The fastbacks are twice the price, normally because of the films.

    I just love them, never wanted to sell the bloody thing, still regret it to be honest.
  4. Pretty much agree with your assessment here. However, having looked at pictures via google, I think my friend had a '66, not a '67. He was 18 years old at the time. Did I mention he was a jerk, too?
  5. If he owned a 66 mustang, I'm sure he was a good bloke
  6. LOL.

    He was not. He was slime ball. I learned a lot from him :upyeah:
  7. If I had a spare £500,000 I might be persuaded to part with it for this tidy looking babe. I love Alfa, always have.

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  8. always been a small car fan. (except when it comes to Maserati)
    give me a mini, 126 chinquceto any day.
  9. I looks like someone broke its nose. Perhaps it looks better in the flesh? It is distinctive though, I grant you.
  10. Beauty, as they say, is in the eye of the beholder. I just think cars of this era have an elegance cars today lack.
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  11. I made this in the Mustang configurator:


    How cool is that? (In an OTT sort of way...)
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  12. I would. Andy
  13. I also wouldn't say no to this............

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  14. I clicked "Like" but only because there isn't a "I came" button.

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  15. Love the Miura. Also like these:

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  16. [​IMG]

    Gotta be one of these as my, got too much money to know what to do with, favorite. '50s/'60s made the prettiest cars.
    FWIW, I'd guessed the topic car was a triumph so that's gotta deserve a point.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. N
    funny colour for a hearse.
  18. The law states that miuras can only come in one colour

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  19. This was at Brooklands new year day

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  20. Quite liked this, not 100% sure what it was

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