Nope, although I do often think of the 220Z and 240Z - gorgeous cars. Satsuma might be right - it might be a Mazda - but I still think it could be a Datsun. If only I hadn't thrown away my old Top Trump packs, they'd come in pretty handy about now
Still got mine! '65 notchback, 302 with a few upgrades, C4 auto, red/white pony interior and enough suspension tweeks to get it going around bends OK.
Hmm. A lot more popular than I thought it would be. I did quite a lot of different Mustangs with their tool which you can find here: Ford - Cars, SUVs, Trucks & Crossovers | Ford Vehicles| The Official Site of Ford Vehicles | This version of the Mustang is no longer available, as there is the new improved 2015 version which will be available in Europe (and which looks rather tasty). But you can have a huge amount of fun configuring your own Mustangs with all sorts of ludicrous colours and options with this tool. The competition isn't running any more either, but who cares. Here's another one for your amusement:
I remember my older son once spent half an hour crafting a very lovely looking vehicle in one of the Grand Theft Auto console games. It cost him quite a few game dollars too, or whatever it is they earn in these games. He drove the beautiful creation out of the custom shop onto a side street. It was the middle of the game night, streets empty, not a soul in sight ... he turned onto the main drag and was immediately crushed by a tram. A tram FFS! Completely wasted his game time and game money. His brother and I laughed so hard we both nearly threw up. Good Goat, I love watching my kids play those GTA games.
Have a quiz Can You Match the Car to the Movie? - Trivia - Zimbio 77% a bit rubbish if I did it again recon I'd get more
I'm building one like this at the moment. 1965, not matching numbers, but all of it is SC. Body, and paint are just about there, engine and brakes work, but the devil is in the detail. And I'm still collecting bits. Its in the fast colour too.