For Sale & Wanted

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by AndyW, May 18, 2012.

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  1. Paul, if Andy hasn't made a move on the top box... I'll take it
  2. Damn, I appear to be having problems with the forum, no notification you replied. Sorry about that Paul. I've just booked and paid for Cartagena in March so funds are a little tight until the end of the month so as you have another offer, I'm okay with akakn having it. If he changes his mind and you don't need the cash until pay day at the end of January, PM me. Andy
  3. Andy mate, if you really want it (after all you were first to enquire) you're welcome to go ahead with the deal if Paul can wait on you.
    Actually, carriage to me will cost Paul more, as I live in Northern Ireland, so he may want to do the business with yourself.

    But hey, whatever
  4. Collected today by @Android853sp .
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  5. Andy, does the box come with brackets that's needed to fit it.
    If so I could have that off you. :)

    oops, maybe I;m getting it wrong here.

    Are you selling the brackets and there's a top box on ebay for £99
    #871 akakn, Jan 12, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2015
  6. I'll give you £5000 plus a cuppa and a hobnob on delivery ;-p
  7. What type of hobnob?
  8. Damn I shoulda known better than to start 'negotiating' with you..........I'll push to a choc one but that's my final offer lol
  9. Looking to clear the mid-throttle spluttering on my ST2, has anyone got an FIM UM161 chip they could sell me?
  10. "Red Panniers" Looking for a really decent set of S/H panniers 58 litre size to suit a 2014 PP, or a good place to suggest buying a new set from that can be recommended. Any ideas or thoughts worth printing?o_O
  11. Gonna be on the look out for an ohlins front for my 748s
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