One Of The Most Beautiful Cars Ever. Guess What It Is

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Baldyboy, Jan 4, 2015.

  1. my old man bought one new, i believe he liked the lady's too.;):smile:. the old dear bought one of these new at at the same time,1974. i think there was a bit of tit for tat going on.:Angelic::smile:2ltr ghia black
    [​IMG]not long scraped it actually.
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  2. Complete brain fart. Yes, 240Z and 260Z.

    I was getting off the bus by the time the 280Z came along, though. Too much of a good thing.
  3. 93% I got the 944 wrong...
  4. They were great looking cars and handled well (the 240Z was better as it was much lighter). Sadly, as with many Japanese cars at the time, rust was a major issue. I bought mine in 1979 (it was made in 1976), a few months after buying it I applied pressure to the brake pedal and felt the carpet under-foot give way. I lifted it up and there was a potato sized hole in the floor.

    They only painted the metal work that was visible, everything else was left in primer. I've thought about getting another (either from the USA or Australia) but they are mental money for a nice one.
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  5. 87% got 4 wrong correctly guessed around 10
  6. yip didnt keep it that long from what i remember, when't out and bought a mini gt and a v.w. camper
  7. Bay or splittie?
  8. new 74-75. prob a bay. i vaguely remember going to cornwall in it. happy days.
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  9. Trend setter, run to the sun in the 70's. Hell of a journey, Scotland to Cornwall. Well remember every summer at my aunts nr Penzance going in a series 1 Landy at 45 mph all the way.
  10. funny you should say that my surgeon mate has just set of for south cornwall in his deffender he recently restored in here.(new chassis.) dumb ass.:smile:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. Not yet but it's planned for this year if time and funds allow. It'll get the remanufactured Kelsey-Hayes 4-pots that were an optional extra, but with a '67-on master cylinder to convert to split circuit at the same time......and a servo so the missus can drive back from the pub. That way I know it won't change any geometry as the tyres are a bit snug in the arches already. The yanks were weird like that, you either got drums or quite big discs with 4-pot calipers - straight from deficient to OTT!!

    About the only old Ford that doesn't sell well. A friend has recently tried to sell a pretty clean Mk2 2ltr S in black with a 5-speed fitted and couldn't raise £1,500 for it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. [​IMG]
    One of my first alfa's
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  13. Here is another of my favourite Alfa's. I nearly bought one about five years ago and wish I had as their value has risen vertically in the last few years.

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  14. Montreal yummy
  15. knew a guy who had one,,, thot it was nice,,, at the time ,,yuk !!!!!!!!!!
  16. So you don't like alfa montreals but you admit to owning an audi tt?
    Probably for the best

  17. saw one stacked 3 high in a breakers in North London during their 'unloved' period. I couldn't believe my eyes but it was rotten. I spoke to an owner last year who had totally restored one, a real labour of love. I think Superformance still carry a lot of engine/mechanical parts for them.
  18. willingly ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Considering they competed for the same market they're a surprisingly different car. The Camaro weighs nearly 50% more than a Mustang (or my friends '67 Camaro did over my '65 stang). You also won't get a roadworthy 1st generation Camaro for what my Mustang is worth. Personally I prefer the early 2nd generation Camaros. Here's a photo of some of us out playing a few years ago in a '67 Camaro 350/4speed, '73 Camaro Z28 RS LT and two '65 Mustangs.

    If you like the street racer look of the black Camaro Google "Ken Blocks Gymkhana 7 1965 Mustang" for a giggle of a video if you've not seen it!

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  20. [​IMG]
    I used to love thrashing this one around, certainly not the fastest but it would hold the road like it was on rails! ... I really need to get my own car again soon!
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