?? Replied to Loz, because the sayings are from the same era and all fit in together. Who has had a wee?
That must be the Scottish in you The other one from around the same time was: "Are you talking to me or chewing a brick, either way you're going to lose your teeth" Oh and one of my Fav's Can your mum sew, well stitch this (head butt)
I knew someone would start quoting a dead language....I was just hoping it wasn't me that started it.
Yeah exactly. Never ask anyone to do something your not prepared to do yourself. Not rocket science is it.
Reserved for especially pompous bosses, over-full with self importance: "There may be no I in team, but there is a U in c*nt."
I heard a saying from one of my colleagues a few years ago that made me laugh . He said to a director of the company whilst getting a lecture on wearing suitable work boots . " whoa I think you have mistaken me with someone that gives a fuck " . Hes not working there now.