Religion. Even intelligent make the mistake of being religious. Perhaps evolution will depose of the need to believe in mythical gods in due course. Until then, peoples at different stages of evolution will be in conflict.
There are many wonderful people living in the East End of London, of many different origins. There are also some vile, despicable ones. This does not make me feel uncomfortable. Does not the same apply where you live?
Muslims are provoked by us and the way we choose to lead our lives, period. But criticism of one's unprovable beliefs is just part of life and they should get over it or go back to the dust bowls they came from, where I'm sure no one will be bothered to provoke them because they're too busy trying to keep body and soul together. Did the Archbishop of Canterbury issue a fatwa against John Cleese & Co for penning Life Of Brian? Funnily enough, no. And my left-leaning friends still berate my lack of "cultural sensitivity" for saying our way of life is superior to that "enjoyed" in the hellholes of the world that consider themselves holier than us!
This is precisely, exactly my view. I actually suspect it is a majority view but people are too afraid to express it. It implies that we actually consider that we have a superior way of life that people would do well to join. And that is what I believe. A way of life where we fight for the equality of women and men, and of sexual persuasions, and of race. I don't see why we have to fight for equality of cultures when some of them are clearly anti all the values we hold dear. It doesn't make any sense.
The FT has its own religion: money. It has no interest in defending anything other than capital, and Muslims possess a lot of that. It would never stick its neck out to offend them, or the bankers, or indeed support any moral position that questioned the legitimacy of making more money. It's just an economic rag for money makers.
He's very funny. Not surprised to learn he is a comedian. Also great that he is exercising free speech. He's actually in quite the same vein as Charlie Hebdo, but I doubt much of the media would admit to this. It reminds me a bit of the John Lennon death. For the establishment, he was a thorn in their side. The moment he was killed, he was hailed by the same establishment as being a part of it and a national treasure.
Quite. Human beings have (or ought to have) equal rights; but that does not mean their cultures, ideas, or faiths all have equal value. Reasonable people should fight against the promotion of pernicious, oppressive cultures, at the same time as they support individuals who try to escape from those cultures. The error of the right-wing has been to condemn all immigrants together, regardless of their origins or their behaviours; the error of the left-wing has been to support all immigrant cultures regardless of the harm they do.
Desmoboy said: The U.K had a group of people through the 70's,80's and 90's that differed in the views of the way we are ruled and used guns and bombs to try to persuade those that hold a different view. Tragic though it was, the almost daily killings of soldiers and taxi drivers had little visible affect on policy. The objective of the IRA was a united Ireland and an end to the border around the six counties. The objective of the Islamists is the destruction of civilisation, the end of freedom and democracy, and the total submission of the whole world to religious tyranny and ignorance for ever. There is nothing remotely equivalent between them. Speaking personally, I never much minded whether the IRA achieved its objective or not, or whether there was some kind of compromise solution. I do however mind very much indeed that the Islamists must never achieve any of their objectives; they must be prevented at all costs, and there is no scope for compromise.
I agree Pete, the point I was making is that "terrorists" have a nasty habit of getting what they want, eventually.
My memory is playing tricks on me - I seem to recall the goal of the IRA was to run the entire UK construction industry. Huh.
So where are all the good people (muslim) ?? Edmund Burke Quotes The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke Read more at The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke at BrainyQuote
Someone said how professional they were earlier - well, one dropped his ID card, very professional indeed. Nigel Farage is being criticised about his 5th column comments last night - UKIP will be going up in the polls again with the namby pamby do gooder mainstream MP's moaning about his comments. Gaaet (Dutch politician) say Muslims are OK, Islam is not and they do not want it in their country.
Got to admit. I'm fishing around to find one thing that I think that Islam as a religion has brought to humanity - apart from some quite cool art.