Charlie Hebdo Atrocity

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Jan 7, 2015.

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  1. the only thing that is typical about me is i tend to see things from a different angle. typical of you to only see in black and white. many things cause tension, overcrowding being just one. and deffo not saying that's the rout cause. but juses christ if you canny get on with you white christian neighbor what chance have we got to get on with a culture you pretend to understand.
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  2. You really are a reincarnation of Neville Chamberlain aren't you. He saw the rise of the Nazi party as a "nut job problem" that would not affect the wider world. Europe has struggled to rid itself of Muslims for centuries because it is a backward religion that holds back human endeavour more than even the Catholic Church. Spain finally expelled Muslims in 1614 and now they trying to get back. Worse still we are inviting them. I have no problem with them being here really but the truth of the matter is that they don't want to be here themselves and are only here because their own countries are rat-infested dust bowls ruled by psychopaths. As I said, and you have made no comment on this, the day a single Muslim shops one if their terrorist brethren to the authorities I will agree with you and change my mind. But I don't see that ever happening because they would be ostracised by their own community and could never risk that. A white friend was going out with a Muslim girl for a while and had to stay hidden because she told him if her parents found out, they would move without telling her where they were. She must have been one of the lucky ones: other women have been murdered by their dishonourable parents for dating "unsuitable" men. Those parents were not nut job jihadists either. They were members of the silent previously law-abiding Muslim community that don't seem to think our rules apply to them and don't want their offspring to integrate. Wake up. The 'Scottish' air must be soporific.
  3. I would just like to say to any Muslims reading this that the link below is vital. Get used to it please. A sense humour is a prerequisite for enjoying what our hard-fought-for society has to offer. Please click on the link below, then read and inwardly digest, as my old Latin teacher used to say: Sense of humour vital to survival of human race
  4. The mail? Or the sun?
  5. If you'd read it you'd see that it's the Daily Mash.
  6. I meant the national you work for, guessing it's not the guardian.
  7. No, not far from the truth though!
  8. dude i wish i was nevil chamberlin, but i have mare than wan piece o paper at the end o my desk, but give us mo i will digest, efter i make up this quote.
  9. This thread is not just about the hebdo killings it's thrown the net further and is about Islam and then freedom of thought and speech. Some put their arguments across with reasoned argument ala glid, Pete etc which as a liberal minded labour voting champagne socialist I have found interesting and v thought provoking.
    This leads to interesting debate and some great posts. To say someone is wrong because they don't subscribe to our own attitudes and values our own beliefs, is in my opinion remarkable when we are in fact discussing freedom of speech.
  10. And I worked for the Guardian many years ago. What many people fail to appreciate is that journalists can work for publications whose editorial lines and news values they do not necessarily share. Anyway, editorials, and indeed news itself, are, after all, only a proportion of a newspaper's output. There's sport, finance, features, arts, TV, even the bloody horoscope and problem page! I used to report the facts, what was done with those facts wasn't up to me. Latterly I've been editing and though I have to toe the paper's editorial line, that's not a problem for me. It's my job. I have to be adaptable. It would be impossible for me to find a publication whose every word I agree with, so faced with long-term unemployment, I suck up the vicissitudes of working for anyone who'll pay me, as most people in other lines of work do, providing it's legal. I don't have to agree or like with everything I'm responsible for producing. You might work on a Ducati production line but think they're shit. What would be wrong with that?
    #191 Speed_Triple, Jan 9, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2015
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  11. My favourite quote, often attributed to Churchill - but that has been called into question - is: "Islam is to man as rabies is to a dog."
  12. Please tell me why exercising the right to say someone is wrong is not compatible with freedom of speech? Are you a closet Muslim?!?! Surely that's the whole issue? You can say someone is wrong but you can't cut their head off because you believe they are wrong. I must have got the wrong end of the stick. Your post makes no sense to me!
  13. I'd like to say that it's killing me that I can't correct he title of this thread - but you're all secretly glad! Attrocity? Atrocity please!
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  14. A white friend was going out with a Muslim girl for a while and had to stay hidden because she told him if her parents found out, they would move without telling her where they were. She must have been one of the lucky ones: other women have been murdered by their dishonourable parents for dating "unsuitable" men. Those parents were not nut job jihadists either. They were members of the silent previously law-abiding Muslim community that don't seem to think our rules apply to them and don't want their offspring to integrate.
    think about that bit of your statement, then think about our history.
    i don't believe we are doomed from within just yet.
  15. Do you live in Notting Hill by any chance ? I have heard it is very nice.
  16. I hope you're right - and think, on balance, we probably won't be. However, our way of life will change and has changed. I won't fly any more because check-ins are such a long-winded pain. And that's just the start. Many of the civil liberties we take for granted will be eroded even faster than is the case at present. There will be collateral damage. Let's hope it's not too close to home. There is no simple answer though, I completely accept that. We've embarked on this mass-immigration experiment and it can't be reversed, even if it were desirable to do so, which is another debate. I'm just saying that we are living in dangerous but interesting times and are on the cusp of great changes that may prove not to be to the liking of many long-standing UK citizens of every race and religion.
  17. About as far from there socially as it's possible to imagine, if you exclude Glasgow: Leicestershire, according to his profile.
  18. There is book called, IIRC, "Tales From The Black Box" detailing aviation disasters. That catch phrase from the book, which are the last words in each chapter and are said in relation to the output from the voice recorder are, "sound of impact".
  19. Have you ever been to Notting Hill? It's a shitty mix of gangs -on the fringes - and luvvies. Mind you, at football grounds in London the home fans sing: We will follow the (Spurs/Arsenal/Hammers etc) over land and sea - and Leicester!
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