Charlie Hebdo Atrocity

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Jan 7, 2015.

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  1. Non sequitur???
  2. You might be taking me a bit too literally here ;)
  3. I was thinking about this post a bit more and found I didn't agree with it, or rather, that I agreed with it less than I thought I might.
    There is a Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and that is a moral code which everyone is supposed to sign up to. It's meant to be the thing we can all agree on. Well clearly, these rights are infringed on a daily basis, but they aren't meant to be.
    You wouldn't be able to whip someone every week for a year anywhere in Europe, legally, but the state can do it in some Muslim countries - or just execute you.
    So although there may not be a world government to impose a common code of behaviour - at least a lowest common denominator - there is a worldwide voluntary consensus of what is reasonable behaviour. And if there isn't, it's still something we are working towards, an ongoing project which we hope will be realised.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Not really, the pilots were often talking around the problem then "sound of impact".
  5. No I wasn't. I just took the opportunity to stick it to a small area of London I take great care to avoid - particularly at carnival time.
    #205 Speed_Triple, Jan 9, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2015
  6. Too subtle for me ... I need words to say what they mean on a page or on screen because implied meanings do not come across very well on those media as they require people to be thinking along the same lines and so often need clarifying, as here. Sorry. Good point though.
  7. I was taking the opportunity for what I thought was a bit of gentle piss taking from a self confessed "champagne socialist" which did rely upon the unstated connection with "luvvies". And no, I haven't been to Notting Hill; Carnival would be my idea of hell on earth.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Very well put. Couldn't agree more. It's called humanism. Let's hope the human race can put its arcane belief in magic, miracles and hocus pocus - because that's all religions are - behind it soon and move into a new Age of Enlightenment soon. There have been quite enough false starts. As Stephen Hawking once said I believe: "Religion is for people who are afraid of the dark."

  9. It is possible, and correct, to say that some behaviours are wrong. Surely you concede that point.

    The idea that the belief system of group A is as valid as those of group B simply because group A earnestly hold those views is demonstrably rubbish.

    Criticising, and or trying to stop group A from behaving badly is valid. It is, in fact vital to our long term survival.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. Unfortunately being afraid of the dark is a human characteristic.

    I don't see a new Age of Enlightenment coming any time soon.
  11. I'll raise a glass to Champagne Socialists for making me smile - even though they remain a pet hate. Life's complicated!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Couldn't agree more. Stifling debate and banning people from criticising others' way of life would bring about the end of civilisation as we know it.
  13. Certainly not in our lifetime here and not for millennia in the Third World, if ever!
  14. You really are a reincarnation of Neville Chamberlain aren't you. Europe has struggled to rid itself of Muslims for centuries .Worse still we are inviting them. Wake up. The 'Scottish' air must be soporific.

    Here you comment about someone not agreeing with you, therefore they must be wrong and your belief structure around being a Muslim

    Exactly probably no faith is more critical of other faiths than Islam - a point well made by that Muslim jihadist turned gamekeeper who founded the Quillam foubdation to counter extremist views.

    So a Muslim changing his mind?

    The day a single Muslim breaks ranks to shop one of his fellow adherents, I will change my mind. Islam calls for apostates to be killed. Islam calls for anyone who tries to convert a Muslim to another faith to be killed.

    What about the parents that have approached the police/security service about their children and 'shopped them'

    Typical of you, and rather silly, to blame the shootings on overcrowding in the big bad city.
    Fresh air may be good for your health but not cognitive functioning, obviously!

    And again, fin is obviously wrong and cannot have his own thoughts only those that subscribe to your thoughts around Muslims.

    You obviously have strongly held beliefs, and just because I or another person do not subscribe to them does not mean that you are right or that i am wrong. It is far too simplistic a view.
    Reasoned argument and discussion is needed to gain an insight to how others behave, what they believe and what is the basis for these beliefs. Sun Tzu subcribed to it 2500 years ago, i don't see that it has changed much.
    I have spent a considerable amount of my life seeing and trying to understand the evil that man does to man, and yet I am not jaded and will always see the positives.
    What my location has to do with anything i am struggling to comprehend other than cheap jibes? or is it that being London centric those of us outside of the capital cannot possibly understand the reality of modern life?
    I work on a regular basis there and choose to call home the countryside, oh and its not leicester its Leicestershire. Happy to show you the difference.
  15. How do you know my neighbour was white or Christian. Actually he's a white atheist. And he had every right to be upset at the irresponsible and thoughtless behaviour exhibited by us. I tried apologies but he wouldn't melt, as is his right. There's actually very little tension where I live - other than that stupidly caused by me - mainly because it's a very affluent area with zero vandalism or social problems and acres of open spaces.
  16. Second paragraph is unfinished I think ...
    As for the rest, one party has to be regarded as right and the others as wrong in any debate. It's called democracy. The majority are ipso facto right. I'm just trying to persuade people to accept my point of view without threatening to cut off their heads. Think about it. Why can't I say you are wrong and I disagree with you? And Leicester corrected to Leicestershire. The football-chant reference was in no way intended to be critical - it was merely an attempt to lighten the tone.
  17. One Muslim, or even a few Muslims do not a summer make. But it's a start. All we can do is hope for more to join them and stand up for the values of freedom of expression - which include the right to stand up to bullying zealots - and say: "you are wrong. I disagree with you" without fear of being killed. France is in meltdown. Two hostage situations, Jewish supermarket attacked. Threats to police to end the siege surrounding the Charlie gunmen. These people are savages. Others live among us. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
  18. whats the options, full blown ethnic clea
    i cant think of any way of responding that wont sound confrontational,but here goes, dude can you not think out side the box? black and white?i know nothing about your neighbor, but i do have a little insight now :Angelic:. for me neighbor in that context, i was thinking fellow man.
  19. I dont disagree with it being open for debate, but you are minimising others and maintaining that they are wrong by your very use of language. I was attempting to say that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and that just because they do not fit our own, doesn't mean they have no validity.
    One Muslim, or even a few Muslims do not a summer make.
    Previously you state that just one muslim, now you're changing your mind again.
  20. Do you deny that Islam calls for apostates to be killed and calls for anyone who tries to convert a Muslim to another faith to be killed?

    That is a tenet of the faith so it's not surprising that zealots behave in the way they do towards 'infidels'. The Old Testament says an eye for an eye etc. But I don't see any Christians acting on it.
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