Yes! Here is a thread where you can quote another forum member's grievous, unprovoked and unpremeditated attack on the English language and then proceed to tear the transgressor a new one for their crimes. Yes, here is the thread for the your/you're/yore wars, the their/there/they're skirmishes and of course the its/it's global thermonuclear first strike. Here you can really tell other posters what you think of the elite posting skills and their abuse of the English Mangle-age. The benefits of keeping grammar correction posts to this thread are three-fold. First, the original thread may be something very important like, "What to we replace the 'Where should I put my tax disk?' threads with now that there are no tax disks?". These should not be de-railed by grammar Stalinists exercising their own brand of lunacy, so quote the original post here together with your pithy and withering rejoinder. Second, by posting here in the one thread, you will make it easier for other forum members to work out who they need to keep on their Ignore list. Third - you can all fuck off. You can all see that what I am saying makes sense so let's get to it folks and make this Ducati forum the best damned forum in Christendom/Islam/Great Flying Spaghetti Monsterland.
:Bag: Fucking off as instructed... "What to we replace the 'Where should I put my tax disk?' threads with now that there are no tax disks?". These should not be de-railed by grammar Stalinists exercising their own brand of lunacy, so quote the original post here together with your pithy and withering rejoinder.
Nelson's already sussed it. Corrections should be quoted and posted in this thread! Kudos to you, son!
If it looks like it was an intentional slip or might well have been, then it was. If it looks like a genuine and unintended mistake .... El T did it. He edited my posting. Yes he did. Damn his eyes.
Are you trying to find out who has him on ignore, DB? I've already posted on this topic elsewhere. Smacked botty for you, young missy - hoo-yah.
You have to educate They're = they fucking are. Their = shows fucking possession. There = specifies a fucking location. You're = you fucking are. Your = shows fucking possession. We're = we fucking are. Were = past fucking tense of "are". Where = specifies a fucking location. Than = a fucking comparison. Then = a fucking point in time. To = where it's fucking going. Too = an excessive fucking amount. Two = a fucking number. It's = it fucking is. Its = shows fucking possession. And finally who fucking cares