But the fucking point is that I've got every right to offend whomever I please, provided it is within the boundaries of english law, and they should just suck it up.
You are clearly upset from your own mistakes, but more so for me pointing them out and I feel for you
because to some people their religion is equally or more important to them than their race or skin color
Terrible trio love it oi you naughty boys who don't agree with me too the naughty step. Please feel free to continue I'm really enjoying this
FFS, concentrate man, it's becoming ridiculous!!! Your use of even simple English is beyond comprehension :Wideyed:
Cagnotte : Soutenez Charlie Hebdo et les familles des victimes de l'attentat - Leetchi.com If anyone wants to make a contribution to help Charlie Hebdo and the families of the victims, it is possible to contribute via this website. I have just sent 10 Euros.
Or to put it into correct English, try TO get it right. Try and is completely wrong old chap. I know it's used a lot, even on the BBC, but it's an entirely incorrect form. Try and ... Maybe "I could try, and with any luck get it right ..." But that's very unlikely in your case, Elsie, because you haven't got the slightest idea what you're talking about. And in your haste to poke incorrectly, you missed the question mark after 'you'. Just saying.
I've already dealt with this. The i is much too close to the u on the iPhone keyboard. Time for a redesign.
Unfortunately there is an increasing group of people out there more than willing to take offence at the slightest thing and another group more than willing to support them. I am all for reasonable behaviour and manners but when the law is used to prevent "offence" it just degrades into farce.
Fucking excuses, that's all we ever get from you... so your ability to hand eye co-ordinate is as shit as your English?
So, in the absence of your apostrophe proof, I take it that you agree that Yorkshire is the land of flatcaps and whippets ... some great beer though. Worth putting up with the untrammelled arrogance of Boycott and Trueman just for that contribution to the greater good I suppose.
hmmmm... any one else's errors because of haste are a crime but yours are a design fault with the iphone.. iphone error user is a [email protected]..... read befor you send my friend
You clearly are mistaking proper Yorkshire with West and South Yorkshire, by in breeding, people are almost Lancastrian, who in turn are almost Welsh
Even the chisel-faced one can make a mistake, it seems. I'll make sure I read this one befor (sic) I send!!
Latest news: Apparently the BBC has today withdrawn this guideline on the grounds it is out of date (and no doubt because it has attracted widespread derision). They are drafting a revised guideline, so it will be interesting to see what it says.
I screamed at the BBC news early. Some moderate Muslim expert saying that we should use (the events of today) to evaluate what is blasphemy and what is and is not acceptable to say to avoid future atrocities. Well we have...and we have the right balance in the west,......so just feck off back to where ever you came from. If you don't like it here go somewhere that suits you ideology. Don't assume that we want to remove our freedom of speech or even discuss the options you vile snake. Wtf is the BBC doing ???? Why are we giving him air time? I'm rapidly getting the right arse with our BBC's liberal wet approach to these people. They are NOT a race, creed or colour. Something is very wrong here.....and well done the USA today for whole life for captain Mohammed cook. We need to take back our Nation, I'll even vote ukip if the conservatives can't sort out a decent plan of action. I'm feeling better now?