Charlie Hebdo Atrocity

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Jan 7, 2015.

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  1. This scene was especially funny as I was only 16 and got to see a birds tits and pubic hair... Even funnier as it was the mother of Christ who also kept staring as much as me....and she was a he... Brilliant.
    I nearly got kicked out for laughing so lound \ much.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Religion is hilarious and a ripe source if comedy. Period. If people choose to believe in fairy stories, it's up to them. But they have to suck up the derision heaped upon them.

    Would you really want to have to have to desist from mocking those who are scared of the wrath if Ganesh the elephant god (in the Hindu tradition)? Or indeed the scientologists' belief that human souls were transported across the universe by the Thetans, or whatever mumbo jumbo is espoused by John Travolta and Tom Cruise? Other religions have no more claim to protection than them, in my view, as they are also totally unproven faith-based traditions.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. More good points.
    I never saw Allo Allo (not being in the country when it was on) but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't find it funny. But then I don't find most sitcoms funny, so that doesn't mean much.
    Is calling a Frenchman a Frog derogatory? Do I feel offended being referred to as a Rosbif, a Pom, a Limey? No, I couldn't care less.
    I couldn't figure out why everyone got so upset the other day when someone referred to a take-away Chinese a chinky. What's wrong with that?
    And what about Irish jokes?

    it seems to me that the only people with a total sense of humour failure are Muslims, when it comes to their religion. It's interesting though, that I can't think of a single joke in the Bible. Religion doesn't really do jokes, does it? That alone should tell you something.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. I very rarely head into personal insults. For you I will make an exception. What an ingorant, small minded, rude and blinkered hypocrite you really are.

    The analagy is to demonstrate FREEDOM of speech and for some in other countries you are more FREE to be racially abusive than aim your contempt at religion. In African countries you can fuck a child, as you can in some parts of Eastern Europe and Asia. In others you can beat, or murder, your wife for walking in a distrepsectful way.. All acceptable and very little of that has anything to do with religion. We find it abhorrent. The point is that not every society or even everyone within a society has the same views. And to dismiss others views is exactly the same as the, dismissing yours.

    Funny thing is we are agreeing. They shouod print and be damned, not murdered.

    But you wouldn't see that, coz you are a prick. The end
    #324 bradders, Jan 9, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2015
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Funniest British film ever, officially, and quite possibly the funniest film ever, period. God knows how many times I've watched it. He does actually because he knows absofuckinglutely everything, as Christians never cease to tell us - even though they can't prove it.
  6. I'm waiting for your pearls of wisdom in response, Bradders.
  7. I understand the distinction but why is one worse than the other? I don't think it is and all this cultural squeamishness achieves is to create a wide open goal for those who like to cause offence for the sake of it and instant causes celebres for those who live to be offended.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. There's the real irony - Freedom of speech!
  9. Bladders (autocorrect but so funny it has to stay!), Baldyboy and Chizel explain your objections or forever hold your piece (!) please.
  10. Racism is unacceptable because you can choose, to a certain extent, your nationality - as many do - but not your ethnicity.
  11. However, racial slurs are illegal but satirising religions, governments or nationalities is not. There's a reason for that i think you'll find. Keep up old chap!
  12. Come on lads, or it's the naughty step for you!
  13. You all disagreed with my Knocking religion is in no way the same as racial slurs. You can choose what fairy story to believe in, or none, but you can't choose your ethnic origin post. Time to explain your thought processes I think.
  14. so who has given who the right to say what is insulting to another,, has everyone forgotten the basic principal of respect,,, has the right of free speech become more important than the obligation of responsibility.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  15. It was very funny, unlike most sitcoms.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. No it hasn't, but should it be a question for the law ?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. I'm sort of wondering how much comedy you'd have if it was all based on respect. I'm suspecting, not much at all. Even the Ministry of Silly Walks was a piss-take out of civil servants. I can imagine that going down a storm in Stalinist Russia.

    Satire is a lack of respect. Juvenal was, we are told, a satirist (although I never studied him, so don't know how funny he was).
    So do we all have to respect politicians now, and not make any jokes about them? Disrespect and irreverence seems to me to be almost a democratic duty. And I just can't see why religion should be exempt. All the more so as I know it's all made up codswallop in the first place.

    Suppose I want to believe in Santa Claus and create a codified religion out of my belief. Does that mean you shouldn't make Santa jokes?
    You'll tell me I'm being flippant, but really, there is no difference.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  18. I was actually talking about our freedoms and Western society, which I don't want to see degraded by inferior cultures. Yes, inferior cultures. Not afraid to say it. How else can one view Saudi Arabia, for example, which has sentenced a blogger to 500 lashes for publishing stuff it doesn't like? Other people can decide how they view such things. But I can choose what countries to visit. Saudi Arabia, N Korea and Burma would never be on my list, for example, along with too many to mention here. And I'll apologise for being ingnorant (sic) if you apologise for spelling analagy (sic) incorrectly despite the fact that I spelled it correctly for you in my post!
    #338 Speed_Triple, Jan 9, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2015
  19. It's actually twice as bad as that according to the Beeb. It's 1000 lashes at a rate of 50 a week. For being disrespectful to Islam.
    This sounds like something out of a sword and sorcery novel but it's happening now.
    I was idly wondering, now that they can't seem to give oil away, whether we could actually boycott Saudi oil in protest. It's the only language they are likely to understand.
    The day we boycott Saudi oil permanently will be a great day. I can't help feeling that they have done more than any other country to foment fundamentalist terrorism.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Could our leaders make this transgression of human rights reason enough to invade Saudi? We could get lashings of oil!
    • Funny Funny x 1
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