Charlie Hebdo Atrocity

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Jan 7, 2015.

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  1. Its the basis of the vast majority of comedy...
    • Agree Agree x 3
  2. Just so we are clear, you also want to shut down Private Eye. They do a lot of ridiculing and I am sure that the butts of their jokes often feel insulted.
    • Agree Agree x 1

  3. How can you respect a group of people who choose to follow such a ridiculous set of rules ?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. You clearly have not met Mrs. Aircon!
  5. There is a massive debate and some really interesting messages being posted under some of the articles on the Aljazeera website (worth a look!). Why are we not giving these Islamic scholars air time in the western media? There should be live debates on TV to discuss the issues openly and defuse the situation that is bad for everyone except the extremists.

    Tariq Rahman: Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies at, Oxford University, the author of a number of influential books on Islam in Europe:

    TARIQ RAMADAN: Look, first, we have to condemn what has been done and what’s happening in Paris. That’s not—you know, when we are told that what they said is that the prophet of Islam has—it’s a revenge, and this is the way—no, this is just a pure betrayal of our religion and our principles, that that’s not acceptable. And my sympathy goes for the families and the victims. And whatever happened with, you know, the journalists, and one of the journalists who was killed, apparently—I don’t know if this has been confirmed—is someone that I debated in prime-time TV in France, and I didn’t agree with him, and he was quite, you know, offensive in the way he was talking about Islam. But the only thing that we have to say is that we need to enter and to be involved in critical dialogue and critical discussions about what is happening in France and elsewhere in Europe. But by any, any standard, we have to condemn what was done, and say it clearly: This is betraying our principles, our religion and everything we stand for.

    Charlie Hebdo kept its line despite threats - Europe - Al Jazeera English

    Another interesting article:
    When cartoons upset the 'wrong people' - Opinion - Al Jazeera English
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. trouble is mate religions, in most countries, are enmeshed with the state and so we are all affected by their lunatic preferences. If they kept themselves to themselves, people would feel the need to defend themselves with humour. Some religious zealots, such as Boko Haram, Al Queda and Isis (whoops they are all Muslim organisations) are downright dangerous because they are expansionist. They are also fascists and need to be dealt with swiftly IMO before they destabilise other states. It's happened before!!!
  7. Oh please! Debate it with Mr Dawkins.
  8. yip standard reply. but thats your right.
  9. Please tell me why I should respect people who stone women who've been raped ... You've lost the plot as far as concerned if you muddle up fear with respect. Of course I fear militant Islam. I'd be mad not to. Read some history please.
  10. Standard for you too - responding to the point with a quip or insult but failing to take the debate further.
  11. you asked me several times to explain why i find no difference in slagging some ones religion and slagging their skin color. i have. while the points in your reply may or may not be valid, you skirted the points made in mine....
  12. lets give an example, of offensive statements, that i would never say to someone i didn't know, not through fear but through respect and not wishing an escalation.
    a while back someone posted a picture of there younger girl friend (who they will hold dear) he met her after is wife became boring quite a pretty we thing. you know the first thing that came in to my head was there's a bird that will suffer a duff ride for a free ride, up here they call them slappers. now if i follow your rules i should be allowed to say that with impunity. but feck me if a stranger said that to me i would deffo take a swing.
  13. Remind me who that was again fin.
  14. Respecting people who stone women who've been raped will never be on my agenda. Whether it is actually demanded by their religion is irrelevant because they say they do it in the name of their god. One example. There are tons more. What if I said that I wanted to set fire to your house because god told me to? Would you respect my wishes? Or would you do something to stop me? Just be glad it's all - at the moment - a bit of banter and a discussion point for us. You might have a different attitude if you had the misfortune to have been born in one of the hellholes governed by a malign theocracy. I repeat: I don't want our society degraded by an inferior culture. Many of my forebears died to protect us from the sort of fascism they visit on whomever is unlucky enough to be within striking distance.
    #374 Speed_Triple, Jan 10, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2015
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Say what you like. We are still together, after two years very much in love and getting married. You don't know her and she is no threat to you so anything you said would be like you - irrelevant.
  16. At the gym but will reply in detail later.
  17. OK, that wasn't who I had in mind.
  18. dont worry to much.. pretty much done on this one
  19. FWIW Speed_Triple I agree with many of the points that you have been making and see very little difference between them and what is being posted by the majority on here.

    I struggle to understand why your posts are getting such a slagging.

    Ease up guys, from what I see we are all on the same side, even TTonup ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  20. Have you seen a Muslim bench-press?
    It's a large sheet of ply with big stones on it.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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