Charlie Hebdo Atrocity

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Jan 7, 2015.

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  1. no we are not. i am not on the same side as any publication (with there own agenda) that demonizes and disrespects a hole religion/people/country because of a bunch of fuckwhits are being brain washed by a smaller bunch of even bigger fuckwhits(with there own agenda) but will i defend my self and way of life? deffo.
  2. OK. I think our way of life is under attack and that attack is coming from a very confused amalgamation of religion/people/country with everyone having their own agendas.

    I don't see this as a race issue, but it is a religion issue even if that is a minority and perverted view of that religion.
  3. and you cant argue with that.
    see by our standards thats funny and raises a point. posting humerus pictures (to us) but a clearly done to antagonize arnt. intelligence my ass.
  4. Thank god (lol) someone does, or we'd be living in a fascist dictatorship. Or worse still, in some ways, in an anodyne democracy in which leaders such as Angela Merkel think it's acceptable to propose the solution of "let's try to get along" in response to unrest in Germany caused by the EU's misguided immigration policies. It's not a crime to admit the experiment has gone wrong and devote your energies to sorting out the aftermath instead of continuing to plough the same path that will inevitably lead, eventually, to the destruction of western values and potentially the overthrow of western democracies. All empires fall at some point. Maybe the West's time is coming to an end. I don't think Muslim countries are equipped to take over. But China could well fill any power vacuum created by our downfall - if America's homogeneity is fatally damaged by its reliance on immigration to boost its flagging - in world terms - economy. Shale gas may ride to its rescue, however, so there is some hope.
  5. You're so precious. Lighten up. Nearly all humour has a victim. I bet many of the things you find funny rely on a victim to be the but of the joke. Think about it. Banana skins, Del Boy falling flat on his face, Mr MacKay in Porridge ... I'm surprised to have to point that out but I'm glad to assist the hard of thinking ( without wishing to mock them of course!) Here is a joke that pokes both sexes: Men socialise by insulting each other but they don't mean it: women socialise by praising each other but they don't mean it either. We all need to be able to take a joke. As Brian says on the cross: "life's a shit and that's the end if it" (or something irreverent like that).
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. As I have said, it's a clash of cultures, not religions or, indeed, races. ​
  7. mate there is a definite need for a free press, but one thats sets out to insult nah!
  8. sorry your wrong, workshop humor can be pretty vicious, if they are close to the bone i will say something in a non confrontational diplomatic way most of the time i will succeed,workshops can be a hellish place for the dimwitted. and i hate agro..
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  9. but there will always be people you cant get along with, some put them on ignore, i use them for my amusement. why? freedom of speech my friend, freedom of speech.
  10. Strange you should feel the need to defend the purveyors of the sort of aggro we've been debating then. You can't possibly be Scottish if you don't thrive on aggro either ... I've been involve in three serious fist fights in my entire life, when I had to help Scottish mates out. All were caused by what I believe is Scots' genetic intolerance to alcohol. It may be an ethnic stereotype but it's my experience. I've been drunk with English, Welsh, Irish, French and German mates many times and nothing untoward has happened. Coincidence? Three times?
  11. Any person or organisation that tries to tell people how to live, what to do or takes your money in tax deserves to be insulted because of how they behave . Take the Catholic Church or politicians as examples. Islam/muslims should not be exempt from that, they are at least as bad as the rest. How ridiculous to get upset because someone showed a picture of one of their important historical figures .
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. no it's not coincidence. and i am not defending murderers, only an unscrupulous jurno could twist that in to my comments.
    i am defending the family along the road. the kid on the street.
  13. I am reporting this post to the The Grammar Stalinist Thread | Page 2 | Ducati Forum
  14. And this one....The Grammar Stalinist Thread | Page 2 | Ducati Forum

    Are you on the sauce today @finm ?
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  15. I've been turning my attention to Islam as a peace-loving religion which is happy to co-exist with other beliefs and indeed with its own believers.
    Google doesn't throw up anything in its first search results to support this view, but I am not really interested in finding stuff to support the view that it isn't peace-loving.
    In the spirit of my search, I quickly came across this:
    which I hoped would add some good ammunition for Islam as a peace-loving religion.
    Sadly, no luck. Worth a read though.

    The Old Testament is full of violent things. The New Testament seems to be all about being a pacifist. At no time does Jesus commit violence against people. The worst he seems to get up to is getting miffed with the money-changers in the temple. I've never been able to reconcile the New and Old Testaments, and now that I'm an atheist, I don't bother trying.

    Religion has a couple of questions to answer. One is about the existence of God. We've done that one to death so there is no point in further debate.
    The second is, is the religion people want to follow a healthy thing for mankind? In that sense, I can't see much to get upset about in Christianity, in as much as it follows the teachings of Jesus. The problems have arisen where it clearly doesn't.
    But it seems that there is quite a lot to get upset about in Islam, which seems just full of violence.
    If anyone can add some support to the thesis that Islam is a religion of peace, I'd be genuinely interested to hear it. Perhaps 1976dc can help out here as I thought his post was one of the most interesting.
    It's an important point as the issue of whether fundamentalist Islam betrays the faith or supports it is a pretty burning debate. I wonder how many peaceful Muslims just shut their eyes to the contradictions which are inherent in their faith. I'd like to think not.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  16. no not atoll, just caffeine. cant stand bullies.
  17. Freedom of speech, as long as you don't ... <insert list>

    I had an odd thought occur to me this morning. There's a lot of talk, including from Saudi, about the Muslim "martyrs" whom the French security forces rightly and properly exterminated. However, the real martyrs are the French journo's. So I have a suggestion specifically for Muslim thugs and murderers.

    If you have taken offence (note, "taken", not "been given") from something someone said or wrote, build yourself a big placard with that person's name and their (supposed) offensive statement and then set fire to the placard and to yourself. You can be a real martyr then. Real martyrs are killed for their beliefs, they don't kill others.

    Imagine that this approach had always been used instead of the current one of threats, intimidation and murder. Decades of dedicated religious folk martyring themselves for their religion. The Chattering Classes would be on your side in a way they never will be under the current circumstances. FFS, you'd even have the Daily Christless Mail on your side. The middle-classes would all be saying to themselves, "Wow, they really do take it hard when we insult their holy whoever". A sense of guilt would pervade the West, and it would be seen as being a shameful act to insult whassisname. "Blasphemy" would all but disappear.

    You "terrorists" will never achieve as much as what *true* martyrs could do. And, even if you didn't achieve your aims, there's still the comfort to be had by knowing that you'd all be dead as fuck.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. dead as fuck. like it.:Dead::Hilarious::Hilarious:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Sorry. Off to the grammar Stalinist thread with you. Now Stalin ... There was a bully to reckon with, along with Hitler, Mao Tse-Tung, Ayatollah Khomeini, all Popes and whomever speaks for Islam these days. Now do you see why journalists have a go at those who wield power, - especially the pompous prigs who tell us how to lead our lives? We hate bullies too - and many of us try to expose them to public glare. I'm interested only in what democrats say, not demagogues.
    #400 Speed_Triple, Jan 10, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2015
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