Charlie Hebdo Atrocity

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Jan 7, 2015.

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  1. English please - your standards, must try harder... :Wideyed:
    #401 Exige, Jan 10, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2015
  2. Only the dimwitted are insulted by humour though. If it's funny it's funny. My mate is a ginger who spent his teenage years being called a ginger cnut (deliberate misspelling!) but he just got on with his life and ignored it until people grew up.
  3. easily enough done in the west in the 21century. go back a hundred or so years, pistols at dawn. mostly by the educated.
  4. I like how you highlight the deliberate misspelling due to the fact you make so many mistakes :Hilarious:
  5. well tell it like it is then, you have already attempted to call me a supporter of evil.
  6. Prepare to be disappointed.

    In my discussions with Muslims one over riding theme is that the Koran is the word of god and not open for challenge. The more enlightened accept that it can be interpreted in a variety of ways and that the more extreme elements follow a perversion of Islam, however they are Muslims first and above all else.

    One guy told me that the punishments handed out, such as the removal of a hand, are merciful because they are so horrific they act as an effective deterrent and every one benefits as a consequence. It really is a different mind set.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. Edited. One missing question mark and two typos. Not atoll (sic) bad compared to your drivel. Your top post here is unintelligible.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. I could not agree more. The Koran is a complete book. The word of god. Islam means submission so good Muslims must submit to its diktats.
  9. I'm sitting in the changing room at my gym typing on an iPhone. I'll be on a proper keyboard later. What's your excuse?
  10. I seldome mak mistook and wen I doo I dont mind becase I dont ridiculle other's wen thay do, apart now from yous :)
  11. iPhone at the gym, naaanaanaaannnaannaaaaa :Arghh::Arghh::Arghh::Arghh::Arghh::Arghh::Arghh::Arghh::Arghh::Arghh::Arghh::Arghh::Arghh::Arghh::Arghh::Arghh::Arghh::Arghh: :Hilarious:
  12. see i can read that, although i know it's wrong, prejudice every where i look.
  13. You misunderstand my raison d'ĂȘtre. No intention to ridicule - just upholding standards. And iPhone at the gym because I'm on call matey.
  14. Me 2 ;)
  15. Yes. Becoming civilised is a steep learning curve and many countries are at the very start of it. We had our religious wars, inquisitions, divine rule by monarchs, lords of the manor having right of life and limb over peasants, etc. I have no wish to go back to that. Have you? No. Thought so - but you will if you appease theocrats and zealots whose holy book tells them what to do at every stage of their lives and regards non-believers as infidels. Appeasement of tyrants never works. I bet you'll be singing from a different hymn sheet when Iran has nuclear weapons and and strike at the West. Don't believe it can't happen. When you really believe you're going to a better place after you die and all the infidels are going to burn in hell for insulting your religion it can, and it will. When did Mohammed arrive on the scene (allegedly)? 600AD? Well, there's a view that says the Muslim world view lags 600 years behind Christendom's as a result - and with the beheadings, suicide bombings, limb amputations etc we've seen recently, one can easily see why some have formed that view.
  16. That's ok then. :Stop:
  17. :Writing:
  18. i really dont know how many times i can say this without getting bored, i am in no why condoning mindless shootings or acts of violence, but i refuse to believe the family's down the road i grew up with back near glasgow had any intention of cutting my freekin head off, but if you keep picking on them with your sensational head lines "we all know theres enough fuckwhits off our own kind that would love to believe it" we will only end up living in a more segregated society.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. or we just kill ALL Muslims. simples.
  20. As far as the big picture is concerned, you only get what you want from other people through giving them something that they want.

    You will not get what you want from Islam by killing Muslims. You will achieve what you want from giving Muslims something that they want more than they want Islam. This may not be entirely possible now but over the decades, human nature will prevail - in simple terms, when Muslims want MacDonalds more than they want their current set of lifestyle choices, the West will be able to co-exist with Islam.

    In the meantime, everything is a holding action. The best holding action we can hope for does not lie with appeasement and compliance, it instead requires that we hold firm, we tell the terrorists that they will achieve nothing and that we won't be cowed into submission and silence. It is essential that every terrorist that takes violent or lethal action against us is found and killed. That is the holding action, until such time as the tide has turned against Islam and its adherents come stumbling out into the light.

    In the meantime, it is important that Western powers keep their noses out of Middle East internal politics. Every time we perform political manoeuvrings in Iran, every time we invade Iraq, any of that stuff, we reset the clock as regards civilising the Islamic countries.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
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