Charlie Hebdo Atrocity

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Jan 7, 2015.

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  1. more stoned than pissed.
  2. only jocking
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. I have already said that your post was full of lies, hearsay and half-truths and had a dearth of facts. What is it about that statement you do not understand?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. I know you are a jock fin ;)
  5. I haven't even opened the bottle yet. Shouldn't take long though ... I haven't had a drink for a week!
  6. That's another matter for debate: he claims he doesn't like aggro!
  7. Incidentally did anyone see that great Sun headline the day after the Scottish referendum - JOCKY HORROR SHOW?

    Brilliant. I didn't write it - but I wish I had!
  8. i am a dab hand at self defense tho.
  9. your inability to understand what is happening in the world around you :Banghead:
  10. I am talking about people who have a choice only. And of course it's not the most important think in my life ... that would be my Ducati!
  11. Self defence is just for thugs who need an excuse. I am quite a fast runner!
  12. think? 1 up for the dwb
  13. do you mean " thing " ????????
    OMG I am falling into the trap !!
  14. im a runner not a fighter?
  15. and i am very good at recognizing and avoiding a situation.
  16. Non sequitur, I'm afraid ... I asked you what it was in my statement that you did not understand, not what you didn't understand about my perspective generally.

  17. Defense? De man wid de nails is coming to fix defense
    • Funny Funny x 2
  18. Me too. Though hilariously I had to stand my ground when someone threw a wobby in his Land Rover, screamed to a halt in front of me and squared up to me outside a busy pub. The idiot was shaping up to nut me until I called him a cnut and reminded him that I was wearing a crash helmet so he grabbed me round the throat. It was exactly at that point that three off-duty coppers rushed out of the pub and told him to stay where he was so that I could ride off. Result!
  19. Are you allowed to make quasi racist statements by using words that mock West Indians (and others for all I know)?
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