The thing that stood out for me having watched several other of these programmes is that the Muslims who normally speak out on such matters and up hold the more extreme side of the religion were hiding and did not appear. Only the one idiot was speaking and he was clearly out of his depth and comfort zone. As I wrote the word 'extreme' and having read a little on the subject over the last few days, is it not 'An extreme, barbarous and medieval Religion' anyway? Are good Muslims ones who take this considerable building block out of their religion or just choose to ignore it? If so I would question why be Muslin at all?
Probably not. But you passed two exams a long time ago. I passed 0 level Latin, physics, and biology but I can't remember any of it and wouldn't presume to take issue with someone who is obviously better informed about those subjects than me. I have to perfect English every day in my work as an editor and have had - and continue to have - many, many examples of my work published in books, magazines and newspapers. The semi-colon after 'that' in your post is superfluous by the way. And level doesn't strictly need to be capitalised.
Spot on Elsie. The guy representing Muslim opinion on TBQ did a brilliant job of alienating the woolly minded coves who have a lot to say on this forum. Hope they were watching - but the sun is out here so any of them who live in the South are probably on the way to Box Hill on their bikes, which is where I'm off to now. Oh dear. Christian on TBQ us calling humanists "demonic" because "they try to knock god off the throne"!!!!!!
Dry, sunny, not too cold, MTS polished to within an inch of its life, haven't been for a decent blast for ages... restraint isn't the first word that comes to mind!
I also have other qualifications. Did I omit to mention the BA in English Language? My apologies for that, but then; I didn't necessarily intend to go on to prostitute myself as a journalist.
Read my other post about the role of journalists in a democracy before hurling insults. I studied English and French at first degree level and have an MA in journalism, as well as a swathe of other professional qualifications. I'm not clever: I can pass exams. Not impressed by qualifications. A lot of educated people are idiots. And a lot of uneducated people are extremely intelligent.
The purpose of adding my comment to this thread was to indicate that I didn't think the topic (or any others) had anything to do with self-promotion or self-admiration. In fact I find it particularly distasteful. There is an ancient saying, the origin of which I am uncertain (could be Indian or Native American) which roughly translates to "The hollow gourd hanging in the trees makes a lot of noise in the breeze"; therefore it might be a good idea to wind it in somewhat. I'll leave it there.
This is something I have noticed and very honourable of you to self confess. It goes against most of your earlier posts and there are many contradictions as you were willie waving your qualifications earlier, but admirable all the same... You have even started to let errors pass by, perhaps this is a new beginning to the forum experience for the less literate members than yourself :Angelic: probably less fun though
Is this a reference to France in 1789? In the UK today, and other Western democracies, the authority of the state is distributed between the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. The judiciary most certainly does not represent the government, and neither the monarch nor the church have any significant role. The role of journalists is mainly to represent the views and interests of their corrupt, plutocratic proprietors, which are contrary to those of ordinary people.
I rather like the comments of the Mayor of Rotterdam, Ahmed Aboutaleb, who is himself of muslim descent, on Dutch TV. Speaking to muslims living in the Netherlands he said: “It is incomprehensible that you can turn against freedom, but if you do not like freedom, in Heaven’s name pack your bag and leave. There may be a place in the world where you can be yourself. Be honest with yourself and do not go and kill innocent journalists, and if you do not like it here because humorists you do not like make a newspaper, may I then say you can fuck off.”
ok who are you? and provide proof where i posted support for murdering bastid nutters, please before i fall of my chair in tears of gigles. you know i have to be honest with you, i was getting a bit paranoid that i was being argumentative just for the craic, you know, letting my self down a bit . not my style it's been happening for a while now, to the point i was gonna leave the forum before i contributed to it's demise, then i thought fuck it, dude your on line persona is truly detestable to some one like me, but i wont miss out on the good craic on wealth of knowledge on massive range of subjects because of one or two people and their crazy ways. tho i do intend to try and rein it in a bit.