Stereotypically maybe. But those days are long gone during working hours or when you're on call. Most of us, though not all, still drink shedloads because we spend a lot of our spare time in pubs trying to garner off-diary information and leads but drunkenness during office hours is a no-no. I have some great stories involving some big names from the days when it was rife though. Couldn't possibly publish them though!
When I get over my current bout of sobbing I'll address the pain of what it means to be a writer. epressed:
↑ Funny that; because I'm guessing I acquired English 'O' and 'A' Levels before you were born. Probably not. But you passed two exams a long time ago. I passed 0 level Latin, physics, and biology but I can't remember any of it and wouldn't presume to take issue with someone who is obviously better informed about those subjects than me. I have to perfect English every day in my work as an editor and have had - and continue to have - many, many examples of my work published in books, magazines and newspapers. The semi-colon after 'that' in your post is superfluous by the way. And level doesn't strictly need to be capitalised. #664 Last edited: 4 minutes ago Speed_Triple, 31 minutes ago Than I. (?)
Like most people, you know nothing but have to boast to everyone about it. At least you don't run the risk of being killed while you're stacking shelves at Asda - unlike my brave colleagues who put themselves in the frontline to protect your freedoms by creating a contemporaneous record of what will, I'm time, become history. You really need to learn to make a distinction between popular publications that are entertainment for the masses - your friends and family are among them - and serious journalists like me.
that is just a bollox argument. i suspect there are more policemen killed to protect your right to insult or more fisherman killed putting fish on yer plate.
You haven't got a clue as to what I do (or have done, which might surprise you) for a living, so don't make assumptions. That should be the first thing a journalist learns. However, I have been just a guilty as many have here, banging on; but there comes a time when you just have to f**king shut up before you p*ss everyone off.