Heading into the garage to attack some metal - 2.5mm cold rolled steel sheet to me specific, for the swing arm mounting on the KR1000 frame having just bought a cheap manual sheet steel bender off Ebay. It might be a struggle as it's rated for 2mm mild steel max, we will see...
managed to stay of the forum for most of the week and got some work done, cool, might go down the beach and survey the damage. , chillin on a sunday afternoon.
cool i didnt think it was that many, trying hard to stay out of trouble. and remain in business.:smile:
It's a broken carburettor. wot some ham-fisted bugger has clouted a bit too hard You can't pin it on me copper
Said lawyers could provide "advice"? Tis what the Law Society website suggests they could do. Always happy to help on such matters!
Indeed. Lawyers very often advise their clients to settle their differences, but sometimes each side is convinced they are in the right, won't be told otherwise, is determined to fight it out 'on a point of principle', etc. Or so I believe.
Nope, it's cold rolled, I formed it cold to maintain the steels rigidity for the swing arm pivot - hand folder worked fine with extensions on the handles
I have spent two hours in the garden digging and fighting assorted brambles, virginia creeper (a misnomer if ever there was one), wisteria and weeds. It's not warm, but it's not too chilly. All this time spent in the garden now is time I won't have to spend later (when I might want to be riding my bike, even). I think my rhubarb has died. Again. Dammit.
Sod that, I went to the pub and had a chuckle with some mates. Anything can be achieved with the application of lager, I find
Well I decided to put my mat white 899 cowl on my stealth 1199 and then took it for a 100 mile run it was bloody freezing on my poor fingers but thoroughly enjoyed it.