Charlie Hebdo Atrocity

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Jan 7, 2015.

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  1. Madrasas, as I understand them, tend to be where kids go to learn the Koran, forcibly, in Arabic, through hours and hours and hours of repetition.
    If families want to impose this in their homes, you can't stop them. But you don't have to have legally-sanctioned establishments for such idiocy. I'd be dead against Scientologist schools for kids. I don't see much difference with Islam except in terms of numbers. The less kids learn about Islam the better. You're not born a Muslim. You are indoctrinated to become one.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  2. Bought it in France some time ago. Can't remember where.
  3. I am with you on the religious schools Glid. We should take religion out of education and yes, I know religious schools are some of the best, but they are not the best thing for our society and the Islamic schools do seem to be a particular problem and reinforce separation from the British way of life. I don't understand why young Muslims, on seeing the way of life in say Pakistan, do not come to value their life in Britain. I have lived and worked overseas and coming home makes you value this great country even more and London is the best city in the world. Where else can so many different nationalities live and work in peace.

    We also need to entice immigrants to learn and use English and not have to be providing many translations and interpreters at great cost and inconvenience.

    I am really proud of what has occurred in Paris today. A really good demonstration of unity.

    PS Just tucking into a glass of Black Stump. A good drinkable wine at a sensible price (about £8) and I can't justify drinking anything over £20/bottle. Cheers!
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  4. May I also mention prisons. Prisoners serving their sentences are provided with Korans, and access to imams, and permission to attend islamic gatherings, even to the exclusion of other books and activities. The result is that some prisoners are converted to islam, or become more fanatical about islam, whilst they are in prison and are released in a worse state than ever. This is insane.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  5. I converted to Isleham a long time ago..........Lived there for three years, really nice place.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  6. Totally agree!
    It's completely bonkers. It's like having a school to turn out delinquent Islamic fundamentalists.
    The French terrorists had of course followed this path.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Simply said: Fuck off you condescending prick. It is you and your ilk that breed prejudice and alienate good people by your use of soporific language.

    Best regards,

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  8. Start and ends the same...
  9. Quite possibly. But at least we understand what we are saying to each other innit?
  10. Condescension by way of grammatical prose does not suit your demeanor. A cock is a prick by anther name, vis-a-vis your understanding of colloquialisms and the rips you no doubt received from the beaks for general lack of understanding.

    In retrospective thought, who really gives a fuck what a hack spouts anyway,
  11. More garbage. Re-read please. Love you Cranky. Time for the Nazi insult yet?
  12. You should not expect to insult with impunity. In short, for those hard of thinking, don't dish it out if you can't take it.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. The Raven chides blackness.
  14. Impunity is for those who feel they will suffer for their misdemeanors. Myself in that context, I have no thoughts of sufferance and find forum ping pong mildly amusing. It is especially satisfying pooing the pong of those who espouse from self constructed and precarious higher echelons.
  15. so " you should not expect to insult with impunity ",,,,, mmm does that take us back on thread again, but with a somewhat different acceptance ??
    • Like Like x 1
  16. "You cannot expect to attack us, the caliphate and Islamic State, and not expect any kind of response."
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  17. No young man, the Nazis had a charter and a goal,albeit distasteful. Such attributes you are lacking unfortunately.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. fool
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. More insults. Change the record. I like the "young man" 'jibe though. A lot!
  20. Absolute garbage. Please write in English so that everyone can understand. Hilarious and sad.
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