First Bike!

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by TomS, Jan 10, 2015.

  1. hello, welcome.

    Not sure why we have so many highly strung inmates here? A bit like the bikes really i guess!

    Monsters are growing on me, as are the fighters
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Over to you Matt?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. :eek: Tom as you can see you are being made welcome by a bunch of 'almost' total lunatics, just reading the various threads in reply here, makes we reflect on what the heck I am doing getting involved with this lot :Inpain:

    Keep trying it does get better from time to time and sometimes you can even get some useful advice.....but then :Doctor::Doctor::Doctor:
    Great that you have joined the Ducatisti clan oh and by the way as YMFB has so rightly already said, endorsed in an earlier Duc-Bird thread, RED is the best colour!!! :pompus:
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Yes RED is the best :)
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Welcome Dave and apologies for the delay but I've had issues with posting in the New Members section :)
    #46 El Toro, Jan 11, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2015
  6. He's the worst lunatic in this asylum and was probably made to go sit on the naughty step :)
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  7. :Wideyed: God Ducbird I thought my MTS was clean, however, that bike of yours, assuming that it must be, is immaculate....:Artist:
    Have you ridden it, or do you clean it and look at it, mostly in the garage, or out of it in your case, like the majority of us do? :Bag:

    Impressive I must say :upyeah::upyeah:
  8. Yes it's mine
    No not ridden it yet
    I mostly clean it and look at it

    There is something about polishing red that's pleasurable :)
  9. My other red baby
  10. Phnarr phnarr
  11. So 'simply red' then ;), there must be a song there somewhere, but thank goodness you don't look anything like Mick Hucknell and you haven't got the hair colour to boot!!... :Banghead:
    NOTE: Nothing against ginger, just in case because here on this forum, you never know who's peeking :Cyclops:
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  12. I like a redhead ...... no hair just a red head :)
  13. you can't polish mat
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  14. It will never look dirty ;) Oh and thick gloss paint, plus lacquer makes bike slightly wider to catch more wind lol :)
  15. The wind just glides over and away from well polished my lovely
  16. I'm an engine ear so I is right :)
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Your a man you're never right ;)
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  18. Oooooh errrrr that's harsh, but hey this works in my favour so if I am always wrong and said you look beautiful I am obviously wrong ;):Banghead::D:D:D

  19. I can make exceptions to the rule :)
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