Threads, a bit like conversations, ebb and flow but if someone starts a thread it is reasonable to stay on topic albeit with the occasional aside. If a thread takes your mind down a completely different line then start a new thread so people can choose to participate or not. It is the "Lounge" so anything goes, within the bounds of legality. Fill yer boots.
I agree ......a bit. May be we should just have a "Chatty" thread within the lounge? If someone wants to discuss wine, then the wine thread is the right place to do it. Sexual innuendo* with @Ducbird should be in the chatty bit.... With that and the word association thread I'm not sure we'd see her or @Cupid Stunt anywhere else, but since they are the same person or at least in the same place that shouldn't be an issue. *What a great word "inn ~ ue ~ en ~ do" .....snigger In~your~end~oh Another I like is Sorbitol...can cause laxative side effects .....snigger Sore~bot~hole. :Bag:Sorry I'll get my coat.:Bag:
We could go to the far end of a fart on this. The lounge is for general chit chat. Always has been always will be . The rest is more subject specific. The chat room was tried before and it didn't work. End of. The forum is for the pleasure of the masses, whether that be technical, commercial and/or a good ol' chin wag and not just for a minority. If you don't like a thread, or the way a thread is developing then don't read it. If you don't like a particular member/poster, put them on ignore. It's not difficult. Thanks for your understanding
The ignore function is really good ....does it work on moderators?:Angelic: Errr.. NO The following Error occurred: Staff members may not be ignored. ....may be not automatically:Happy: Is it 1984?
Let me know what happens! All: someone please let ACT know to let someone know so that I will know what happens. OT: I wonder what would have happened if I had used the Scottish word "ken" instead of the real word "know". Would a lot of Kens have gotten in touch? Summary: What?
Posting a new thread is really simple and takes about a minute. As people wanted to discuss wine, I started a new thread about it. If I want to read what people have to say about the Charlie Hebdo story, I don't really, at that precise time, want to get into a conversation about wine. It makes it hard to reply to people as you have to go back over about 3 pages of general chit-chat to get back to what people were talking about. The Lounge is for chit-chat, but it makes it easier to navigate if the chit-chat is divided into different topics.
That's what I tried saying, but O.T.T. said NO. Just put them on ignore.... It does make for some strange reading.... Certain members appear to be winding themselves up, like a drunk in the park. And don't even try the "Word Association" makes no sense at all.
That's what I also said...but don't bother with the AGREE or LIKE or even USEFUL ratings...just repeat it. PS Thanks. I like the wine thread....loads of shopping to do now.
Then you get "those with the power" who merge threads... To be fair this normally only happens on technical threads.
I don't have anyone on ignore. I find pretty much everyone has interesting or funny things to say, it just depends where they are saying it.
To be honest we have this kind of exchange every Winter, as do all motorbike forums. People can't or wont go out on their bikes. They get grouchy. They analyse and bitch about everything under the sun. They fall out with each other. Toys get chucked out of prams. Handbag sales go up. I'll be glad when it's Spring
You sound just like my old landlord. He was pretending to be Scottish, too. You sound *just* like him.