Act when was the last time Lougi lent you a demo bike? He's omly one small loaner from a lifetime ban list..
At one point recently he did indicate he was going to spend less time here, when I asked why, he felt it was becoming more "inhospitable ". Did not imply he was leaving totally-shame, good perspective on life, the universe and an excellent wielder of a soft cushion baseball bat on Finm
Hi Paul, He never lent me a bike. I was there to see Chris, CJS. Just spent the day trying to help him bleed the air out of a Ducati with new vacuum system he got.
I thought this the other day and wondered if he was away. His posts will be missed by me. He was a good bloke.
not bad a close 12th. i think he may have disliked my Superior intellect and communication skills.:Smuggrin::smile:..
there is a saying, fuck me old boots..... if any ill has befallen the man i disassociate myself from that saying....