The "n" Word..

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Bluehawk, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. TBH I can not be bothered reading throo 5 pages of Andy Cap vitroul but if we can not learn from 3 centuries of black exploitation then what chance do we have of understanding the Muslim situation.
  2. Phew!!
  3. Shut it round eye's :)
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  4. I had a South African Zulu decent girlfriend - I said she was brown she said she was black (she was brown and had fabulous legs) and... :Wideyed:
  5. As inferred earlier, a black person is brown yet pinkish on the inside and a white person is pinkish and pinkish on the inside - this from my experience of the world, both are lovely types of people :)
  6. OMG,, how did we know that ...:rolleyes:
  7. I don't do typos or misspelling posts ... but if I did ... I'd be begging you to type "descent" instead of what you typed :D
  8. I cannot stand racism.If youre okay,then youre okay.If youre a dick,it doesnt matter what colour you are.Youre a dick.
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  9. And everyone last time I looked is human :)
  10. But if you're a black dick wouldn't you be a bigger dick? ;)
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  11. Not if your Yorkshire eh @El Toro :cool:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. it only looks bigger because you are closer to it.:Angelic::smile:
  13. They're all pink on the inside... ;)
  14. That is what I said, I just used more words unnecessarily :)
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  15. Some would say thats eloquent .....:rolleyes:
  16. Others would say its internet bullshit...
  17. Then they would be misguided :)
  18. I'm still waiting to hear what other people will say its internet bullshit is going to do ...
  19. Hey @Loz what's with the bull?
  20. He's busy moderating, I suspect!
    • Funny Funny x 1
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