First Bike!

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by TomS, Jan 10, 2015.

  1. :confused: Ducbird the man's car is already mostly red, (in an orangey sort of way) so he doesn't need any of your "rubbing" skills, unless that is....
    But then again there are some black bits you could have a go at, to 'fix-it' I suppose :D
  2. :Headphone: TomS, nice looking bike only one 'issue', NOT enough "RED". :Banghead:
  3. Not the car though I can polish cars too

    No I was thinking the black bits needs a bit of polish as does the red frame

  4. You can come polish my car anytime :)
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Welcome to the forum!

    Now you own a Ducati you will soon learn to stop presuming things are cheap

    I have the R&G Aeros with the front and rear sliders on my Monster 696 as my first bike as well, hopefully never tested but reassuring they are there.

  6. Nice Monster, LOVE the GTR :upyeah:
  7. GTR looks like one wrapped at pwpro a while back
    • Useful Useful x 1
  8. hello and welcome dude. nice bike! like the color, black and red is cool...
  9. No. Irony is like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife.....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. An ellipsis... not a ellipsis surely? And it's number of dots, not amount. It's certainly ironic, in the commonly misused definition of the word, which seems to be widely accepted these days, when one makes an error in a post criticising another forum member for making a mistake! And you made two in a single sentence! You know what, it happens all the time, especially on this site. A gremlin is having great fun.
  11. thought there was a separate thread for this stuff? go on.. shoo...:D
  12. If you think a Ducati is expensive to run try the GTR, it's not the cheapest! 14mpg, new set of tyres is at least £1000 and full set of brakes is easily £2000. I've bought the Ducati to use as my daily to save some money :D

    It certainly was wrapped by Paul :)
    • Like Like x 3
  13. You're right. I shouldn't have responded.
  14. I'm mates with Paul from my Evo days before he set up pwpro. The guy is very good at what he does isn't he? Are you local as I'm Chesterfield.

    • Like Like x 1
  15. Yeah he's great, especially with GTRs as he's done a ridiculous amount of them now so knows every little detail about wrapping them.

    I'm over in Manchester, well worth the drive to his though!

  16. ;) shoooo MR speedy
  17. As I said above ...
  18. I think your much better help in the posh threads ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Duc-Bird it's another red thing, go get im.... :Hungry:
  20. I saw that! Now where's my polishing cloths ;)
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