Loz, it was a perfectly legitimate on topic question :Mooning: are you being the self appointed (self opinionated) forum thread police today?
Exige, I don't think you should be disrespecting the Pope. He is the Catholic Church's space friend's earthly representative and he has no time for sitting around at fin's gaff, shootin' the shit. You shouldn't mock. Hmm - maybe I should allow you to say what you like on this matter. You're entitled to an opinion. I'll retract the Dislike in this case* *Good Goat, I'm glad I just clicked "Dislike" - I was going to fire bomb your house at first, that would have been difficult to undo! Heh.
Sorry, been leaving useful advice elsewhere on the Forum, it is not my fault that the Pope uses Fin for his motor repairs / servicing now is it? There was no mocking intend towards his illustrifulnous, the brain washed old fella. I have informed Ebay of your threats, the Police will hear of this in a few years...
me and the pope are tight man.got a lot in common.hang out at the local bars and shit, smoke a bit of weed. you know, man stuff.
I'd love to see a comparison of the number who arrive here with a medical degree and and those who go straight on to benefits. I know studies on the economic benefits of migration have been done to show that it is always beneficial, but we all know that statistics can be used to prove anything if one knows how to use them. And I'm not sure whether those 'benefits' will be felt in the medium or long term either from what I see with my own eyes in London.
As a Catholic I'm hugely offended by your comments. Why do you not treat me with the same kid gloves you don before commenting on Muslim beliefs?
Not necessarily, no, it's a common Hindu name too. But I doubt their British lineage goes back as far as mine, and in all likelihood, yours (though obviously I can't be certain because you might have come over "on a banana boat" in the Fifties, for all I know!)
Quite. I'm just asking Muslims to be cool too. Did you see my earlier post about the Muslim woman in Egypt who told reporters that she was "offended by the Charlie cartoons when she heard about them on the radio? What next? Feeling justified in killing someone because you'd heard that they'd committed apostasy by becoming Buddhists or were gay? Both of which warrant execution under Sharia law. Empires ebb and flow. Ours is in decline. Afraid of its own shadow, and we need to man up and not be afraid to say that intolerance will not be tolerated and that faiths that call for gays to be executed, for example, are inferior to our own. Fascists feed on liberalism. I'm proud to call myself a liberal. But there are limits to the passes I hand out. As I said in an earlier post, I have thrown people out of my house for making racist remarks.
dont want to get drawn in on this one again, and i don't doubt your motives, in fact you have restored to a small degree my faith in journalism, you appear to be sincere, but my views are different to yours. sorry.
But I've just told you that I'm hugely offended, though I manage somehow to avoid allowing that to spill over into a righteous rage that permits me to kill the nearest Scotsman, who happens to be at the bar next to me. In fact if he weren't buying me a pint I might do so anyway as I have a bit of a grudge against him because he's richer than me (familiar?) So why am I accorded different treatment, just because I react differently? I'm still hugely offended. How I react shouldn't affect your decision about whether to offend me if you genuinely care about my feelings. I've a feeling that you don't care about my feelings or those of the Muslims offended by the cartoons. You're just an immensely pragmatic individual who recognises that fanatics are idiots but doesn't want to confront them. That's fair enough. You are entitled to your opinions. But please don't dress up that pragmatism as something more thoughtful than it really is. Thanks.
Exactly, going by my surname which evidently stems from the Norse name 'Sunulf' I think my particular banana boat had a dragons head on it and arrived in or around 793AD . Most of us are immigrants from the last two centuries which is a small spec in time, but most of us don't believe in fairy stories I would imagine...
Charlie Hebdo must also be selling many copies in Pakistan. They too are pretty offended and have come up with a practical (and terminal) solution to the problem.
Disliked asit just shows there are as many in this world who consider themselves above all others as there ever was. Think I'm going to spend all my money in the next 5 years. As after that the world will be so bad ai wont want to be part of it
It's true that most immigrants are of child-bearing age and have more children who put pressure on schools. It's also true that immigrants are far less likely to be old and thus put less pressure on services for the elderly. Immigrants are also much less likely to claim benefits than the native population do.
"By your reasoning"? I don't know what reasoning you are referring to here. You seem to be asserting that it is "my reasoning" that "... immigration is always so good ...". This is, of course, an outright lie. I have never said or implied any such thing.