Charlie Hebdo Atrocity

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Jan 7, 2015.

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  1. There is nothing new about scammers cheating immigration or asylum appellants by selling them expensive (but useless) "legal advice"; the scammers are not qualified or authorised in any way.

    The Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 created the Immigration Services Commissioner to prevent these abuses by controlling such people, and the Immigration Services Tribunal to hear appeals against decisions of the Commissioner. As it happens, in my then job I had the duty of setting up the IST from scratch and running it.
  2. I wonder what my true oranges surname may mean 'burial mound'; or I'm of Hugenot descent; or maybe a Scot or maybe an Oirish; plus many of my father's side of the family had rather large noses (whatever that means --- elephants, I suppose).........can't find out, but it looks as though I'm doomed one way or the other.....
  3. Sure. Let's re-train the 60 year-old unemployed bricklayers to be doctors, shall we?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. i had to text a mate regarding pragmatism, a very learned fellow, in fact you may know his sister, anyhoo enough of the name dropping already, he agrees i am very pragmatic so thats a good thing. anyhoo i need to get back to stressing practical constituting the essential criterion in determining meaning.
    truth or value. hmm.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. C'mon Pete you can do better than that. Firstly there are not millions of vacancies for Drs and secondly brickies are fully in work. Now if you had said retired civil servants retraining to be parking attendants...
    • Funny Funny x 3
  6. "Making blasphemy cartoon of the prophet is the worst act of terrorism".

    Well, now we know. I am glad they put this in perspective. And all this time I thought that blowing up people, beheading, torturing and gunning them down was poor. Thanks for posting and relieving my ignorance!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. although he did go on to say " are you sure you read it right? maybe he meant pathetic" the cock that he is. :Hilarious::smile:
  8. apples?
  9. I do it on porpoise.............
  10. So can we Nuke em then? :)
  11. Don't be silly.
  12. But they would like it better than cartoons so why not :)
  13. India will do it at some stage.
  14. "Their" and "our" value systems are completely at odds.

    David Starkey was good on QT last night. He said Islam is a relatively new religion and is where Christianity was in the middle ages.
  15. That is just obscurantist bollox and you know it! Well tried.
  16. No if you're a liberal!
  17. I extrapolated from your posts. Sorry if I got it wrong.
  18. Love ya xx

  19. It's not just Muslim men who have sex with any woman it's quite acceptable in our own religion to have as many women as you want when your married
    How many women in this country are abused by the men they are married to of our own culture
    How acceptable is that in our own country

    What about the children abused about the young girls whose lady bits close up abused by our own culture

    What about the Catholic Churches that took women's children and sold them to America
    What about the abuse young children suffered at the hands of religion in our own country

    What about looking closer to home where it's hidden and not talked about

    What makes us better than Islam
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