you might know his sister actually she is a journalist for one of the Scottish publications. i cant"wont" tell you who she is.
It may surprise you but I don't know every journalist in England let alone those from the Celtic fringes!
I'm of Huguenot descent too. My descendants fled to England from La Rochelle after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, which guaranteed freedom of worship by French Protestants.
Glid, You have clearly been brainwashed by the Western media! How can any terrorist act be worse than a harmless drawing of PM?
That we dont say, in or out of scripture, its ok to rape and take slaves afaik. And not being religious anyway, I'd suggest that makes my attotude far more palatable.
The weird thing is that way before I found out about my family history I called into La Rochelle for the first time on a biking holiday to the Soith of France and remarked to others about how at home I felt there. Probably just a coincidence but a bit weird nevertheless.
No but we should have seen the skills shortages coming and addressed the potential problem. Also 60yo bricklayers are only unemployed because young Poles have arrived here. It was a choice we did not have to make.
I can't prove my oranges............I may even be a descendant of a bastard line of a famous seafarer (which is probably the nearest the truth). Or in other words, I should be a 'Fitz' something.......and possibly have mention in Burkes Peerage.
Ironically a lot of British trowels have gone overseas themselves. A lot went to New Zealand after the Earthquake and I know a few who went to Canada and the US. When the industry was flooded with Eastern Europeans wages were driven down to put it politely. Not because UK workers were greedy or lazy and had been overpaid but because EU workers are able to take the money they earn out of the country where it can be worth five or six times its value in the UK. So the notion that EU workers are willing to work for less is misleading. If they can live cheaply they're actually on very good money indeed. Their British counterparts haven't that option and on rates which pay mortgages in Poland they can't feed their kids. For many, the trade became non-viable. If there was a country where a British brickie could go and earn £150,000 a year at UK exchanges rates for laying bricks and abscond with the cash, every single one would be gone tomorrow. But there isn't because no other country would be daft enough to allow such a thing, so they make the best of it. A lot of gang brickies left commercial sites and set up on their own doing private work, some went abroad where they could more or less expect a similar income level to that which they used to have in the UK, and some left the industry altogether. Now there is a shortage of properly skilled bricklayers because the real ones who are qualified to British standards and can actually do the job have buggered off. The politicians and their old school friends in the corporate construction business should have thought about that before they kicked their workforce in the teeth in the hope of making a fast buck for themselves.
Intersting to note that Nick Griffin of BNP infamy brought to the attention of the media and the public about men of a certain religion grooming young white girls for sex about eight years ago or more..... .....and nobody did a thing about it
Actually if you check it out The Times exposed the whole thing and subsequently a few men were jailed for grooming and raping some vulnerable young girls. But it was mostly swept under the carpet in the name if cultural sensitivity, I believe.
Listening to the muslim council moaning about 'why are muslims getting the blame?' Last night on the radio, post Pickles letter, did it for me. Er...BECAUSE YOU ARE THE FECKERS MURDERING AND BEHEADING PEOLPE IN BRITAIN! I'm now fully tilted to Petes biew: there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim, just simply a radicalised one that doesnt tell anyone