
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. Doctor

    Hippocratic oath
    The living and the dying
    Two kinds of helping.
  2. Michael

    Sublime talent flawed
    Bravery and foolishness
    Nature's rarity.
  3. er... Portillo?
  4. Maybe Dunlop ... or Jackson

  5. Smell

    Exhausts smoking tyres
    Castrol R and unburnt meths
    Leathers roaring crowd.
  6. She was only the fish monger's daughter.....:biggrin:
  7. More training..

    same repetition
    was difficult now easy
    Sunday will be hard
  8. Stuck at bloody work
    Wasting time Ducati site
    Dollars for nothing :biggrin:
  9. Earth

    Tired of this planet
    Full of alien monsters
    Beam me up, Scotty!
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Bike in garage

    Ministry says so.

    A pass!

  11. 5-7-5?
  12. Nope, you've lost me there.
  13. Figaro, obviously you can write whatever you like, and use as many syllables as you please. It's not for me to be critical or prescriptive.

    The point of Haiku is that the words, thoughts, and allusions are crammed into a disciplined format. By ancient Japanese tradition, each is in three lines only - five syllables, then seven syllables, then five syllables, 17 in all. We'll leave to one side that the Japanese definition of a syllable for this purpose is rather different.

    I find that, as with any type of poetry, the exercise of fitting the concepts into the chosen format focuses the mind and sharpens concentration (a bit like crosswords or sudoku - which I don't much care for, because when you've completed them there is nothing to show or share). If sometimes you can work in hidden double meanings, which alert readers may get, so much the better. If you stray outside the format, fine - but then it's not Haiku.

    Many of mine are rubbish, I know. I like to think some hit the spot. Go on, try a few if you want.
  14. Spectacle

    Wheelie at the start
    Put on a show for the crowd
    Knees scraping the ground.
  15. Read and understood. I did wonder what haiku was, but was too lazy to google...
  16. Choices

    Monster Diavel
    Streetfighter Panigale
    Sport Multistrada.
  17. Upholstery

    ABS excels
    Merciless tank no padding
    Bruised balls. God, that hurt!
  18. Shadowy cows standing
    In a blank field gormlessly
    Clonk clonk they look bored
  19. Streuth! Scorchio! Too
    Hot for leathers so sadly
    Too hot for a ride
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