My Garage, Repair Or Replace

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cream_Revenge, Jan 17, 2015.

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  1. Looks good huh.

    Could I just run the horizontal perlins over the vertical perlins I already have? Could put membrane between the vertical and horizontal perlins and totally get away with no boards.

    Should be quicker and cheaper.
  2. so's a timber framed house
  3. :)
  4. Oh sweet Jesus. The guy has even been PMing me bespoke diagrams.
  5. Ah for fucksake grow up. Don't go trying to give me a construction, architectural terminology lesson. It's a timber partition. Send the man some clear instruction and a few drawings and spec.
  6. bit harsh Evo
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Eh? What did I do?
  8. bet YOU havent worked on timber buildings from circa 1300 or there abouts :Woot:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Teach me to keep my nose out. Only trying to help.

    Honestly, I've not worked on circa 1300 buildings.

    Apologies offered
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  10. I wouldnt worry, I took half an hour to write the bestest most superdouper solution to resurrecting the shed.
    No one even noticed it. instead, the shed will be a write off, and never classed as a garage. :Arghh:
  11. Did you mention wallplates?
  12. no, should we fit some?
  13. do it, post pics and then we can all argue over where you went wrong or could have done differently!:D
    • Like Like x 1
  14. you will need two... upper and lower or top and bottom or head and sole... but technically........
  15. Stop dragging me into something I know nothing about. Jez, ya really need to be careful what ya say around here.
  16. I was seriously going to mention services. No way, not now
  17. no you dont just say what you like and let the chips fall where they may! i get the feeling you know what ya talking about anyway....
  18. @Flatfish, I will have a re-read tomorrow.

    Thanks for all your inputs.

  19. I only jumped in when I seen he was going to hang the bike off the truss. I didn't want it falling around him. I'm sure though the bloke knew not to do that.
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