So I've Decided On A 1098s...

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Stu, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. My car was 12 this July. Still pretty much looks like new. Still works pretty much like new. So that's one expense I don't need to have.
  2. Stu, I'm 6'6", and have an 1198's, would/could I do 1000 miles in one hit? No,
    do I love it? Absolutely it's fantastic, though you may end up with a superpole seat.

    Do it...

  3. Got one love it buy yours message ends.

    Regards Steve
  4. Listen to the voices....:biggrin:
  5. Hi I'm 6"4 1/2 or same problem and same name

    I went on a 1199 panigale it was great but I needed some more comfort so I had to have a multistrada 1200 I think it's great power speed comfort cheep to run job done for me

    ImageUploadedByTapatalk HD1345280008.931294.jpg
  6. Go one you know you want it :)
  7. Sports bike's are not comfortable, not designed for comfort, Multi's are................. :wink:
  8. Well dare I say it, 1098s...........purchased.......! :eek:

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  9. Well done that man :upyeah:
  10. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1345300947.372737.jpg

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  11. She is beautiful Stu
    Your not far away so no excuses not to show her off :)
  12. So no guessing what you'll be doing all weekend now.....

    Riding it, cleaning it, admiring it, riding it, cleaning it, admiring it, riding it, cleaning it, admiring it, riding it, cleaning it, admiring it......... You get the gist!

    Great bike :upyeah:
  13. Well I'm glad it gets your seal of approval Viv..!

  14. Not until at least next weekend, getting it from Ducati Wolverhampton so it's got to have 12 month service first and MOT, Termi's fitted etc so with my work etc it'll be Saturday at the earliest but I'm in no hurry waited long enough lol

  15. Shhhhhhhhhhhhweeeeeeeeeeeeet!

    You're going to grin like a loon on hallucinogenics when you spank that bad boy.... :biggrin:
  16. Not another red one. They are ten a penny :rolleyes:

  17. Great choice Stu :upyeah:
  18. Thanks mate, I've still got some cracking photos of your 1098's knocking around somewhere from that ride out from Ironbrige a few years ago if you remember, as I recall you hadn't long had it and it was your first bike after passing your test..?

  19. These are the words I posted in 2007

    [TABLE="class: page, width: 100%, align: center"]
    [TD][TABLE="class: tborder, width: 100%, align: center"]
    [TD="class: alt1, bgcolor: #EFEFEF"]Had literally 10 mins on a demo bike before it ran it of fuel.
    Thankfully I only intended a quick spin and was only 200 yards from the dealer when it died.
    But oh my...........
    Fast as you like.
    it's like my 999 was so much faster than my multi, the 1098 is to a 999.
    Brakes, just immense, seriously i cant imagine you need, or even want more on the road. A real log through the spokes experience.
    As a speed example, I exited a third gear roundabout that leads to an A road on a gently curving uphill left hander.
    I waited to I'd got the bike a bit more upright from the roundabout before nailing it.......the bike took off and then after a short time of accelerating the front shot up in my face, I did shut off ( not being a hero) but I must have been at around 90 at the point of lift with no effort from me to induce it.
    It hardly exists under you, it 's just like having a throttle that throws you body at the horizon but with a Termi soundtrack blasting your aural senses whilst your brain plays catch up.
    Fueling was great and the handling was just intuitive btw.
    The bike is so small though that I couldn't savour the lovely clocks, and being a big lad it just don't fit me.
    Jumping back on the multi I thought I was on 125 four stroke with bread for brakes.


  20. Hmmm, interesting read that, thanks ... there was a time when I did like the 749/999 look but looking back now I think I kind of forced myself to like it as I was going to get a 749 after I passed my test, instead I had a Monster S4 all chipped and Termi'd up which was great fun for a couple of years.

    The 749/999 is a marmite bike im my oponion unfortunately I just can't honestly say I really like the styling, its nice but not beautiful like the iconic 916/996/998 bikes and the current 848/1098/1198.

    Even looking at the 1199 I'm really not too keen on that as it looks like there is something missing at the back with that HUGE gap between the seat and rear wheel due to the new exhaust layout, if we all liked the same thing like would be boring I guess.

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