........very young, preferably mongrel, but not Staffy or Lurcher, or any silly breed like a cheewah-wah. Anyone know of any going? Mrs AL is so upset over losing one of the cats and the other one seems to be lonely..... I prefer dogs, having had Springers, Afghans and a Gordon Setter, so.......
pick any breed you like and there will be a rescue site... this is a typical one Jack Russell Terrier Rescue UK - Dogs Looking For Forever Homes or your local dog rescue/RSPCA will have lots of dogs looking for new homes
I wasn't aware of the Jack Russell site.....Thanks....... Nearly all of the well known rescue places are overstocked with Staffys........can't think why.
They are primarily for attracting men to enable you to make babies - the feeding bit is clearly an after thought which is intended to programme the male mind in to searching for more of them in their adulthood, subconsciously. This is also why Females all have a tendency to play with other Boobies too in later life although many deny themselves and even say it is not true, unbelievable! Whereas men of course seldom have this built in instinct for other ding-a-lings. Of course there are exceptions but I do not study this particular area of human development.
Not nonsense. Desmond Morris in The Naked Ape says the same thing. It's a superb, seminal book and I advise everyone to read it.
Yes, truck on down to the nearest RSPCA place and take your pick. They do have rather a lot of staffies but it's by no means all they have. I'd be surprised if there wasn't something there that made your heart melt.
This is wise. I don't think that cats really want to share their house with a new cat, given the choice. A dog is probably a much better companion. I had a dog and a cat. The dog had to be put down in the summer, so now I have just the cat. Except that I haven't, as the next door neighbour's cat has moved in, which our cat isn't always enchanted about. What this place needs is a new dog to recreate a bit of order and put the cats back in their place. They are becoming increasingly importunate, especially our one as he knows that he is now number one pet. If I had a dog, he'd go back to being number two. That's how it is.