so, is there anything in the news today you would like to talk about? any breaking story's? political or otherwise. you know thing of great importance. constitutional or otherwise?
No, fin. No one wants to see people dancing, on the streets or on anyone's grave. Bad fin. Bad bad fin.
Hmm - I hadn't realised that Brittan was MP for Cleveland at one time. The same Cleveland that had that scandal all those years ago over "misdiagnosed child abuse cases" ... hmm ... ... nah.
are warranties not covered by a third party any way? sure that was the case when i was working on fiats
Todays News Tits are back in the Sun...I don't care,but I'm glad it puts two fingers up at frigging mumsnet/middle class morality police...(in Denmark there used to be pics of naked teenagers in the daily papers...guess which country has the highest rate of sexual assault? BRAKEs latest investigation reveals: "one in eight motorists admit to driving with a defect-a worn rear wiper blade can kill"...ffs....round here every bastad apart from me is driving round with one headlight out... Followed swiftly by the anti-fag brigade....all smokes must be sold in plain packaging,because we don't want our kids to take up smoking...then don't let your kids smoke ferchrissake...and if they do,beat them black and blue until they stop...ohbugger,you already banned that...serves you friggin' right then... And now for the weather.....